Nyonya Memoirs 《娘惹娘儿》5/06/2015 | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-10-31T01:46:43+08:00 Peatix Nyonya Memoirs Nyonya Memoirs 《娘惹娘儿》5/06/2015 tag:peatix.com,2015:event-94172 2015-06-05T16:00:00MYT 2015-06-05T16:00:00MYT Nyonya Memoirs, a fateful tale of a young couple unfolds as a wealthy Nyonya, Bao Zhu, accepts the proposal from the love of her life, Zhang Min - a poor, common Baba. Their engagement soon turns bitter when Bao Zhu's powerful and prominent family forbids the union. Divided by their social differences and driven to the deepest depths of heartache, can the true love between Bao Zhu and Zhang Min rise above to conquer all?亲情需要经营,才能维系浓郁;爱情需要坚守,方能天长地久。一个以马六甲峇峇娘惹为时代背景,环绕着传统家庭与年轻人为幸福坚守的故事。贸易行千金宝珠爱上了裁缝学徒张民,两人正打算共结连理时,却因家族注重血统传承与门当户对的观念,而遭到极力反对。小两口不惜一切决定私奔,又被管家暗地里破坏,让这对情人顿时陷入窘境。宝珠父亲不忍心看见女儿伤心痛苦,决定帮助说服妻子月娘,最后月娘也被宝珠与张民的坚持和爱而打动,终于答应这桩婚事。这段姻缘传开后成了马六甲一带的佳话,大家都为他们最终能突破传统束缚得到幸福而感到喜悦。一场热闹的峇峇娘惹传统十二天婚礼也即将重现!这是一個由“惠勝集團”首創耗資馬幣800萬全馬最大環境劇場製作現於馬六甲英雄廣場隆重公演.。此劇長達75分鐘。To book ticket without credit card, please call:+6016-313 4493 訂票及査詢熱線:+6016-313 4493