林文蓀 【這世界終會記得我的名字】 音樂會 | Remember Wen Suen Live In KL | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2021-11-15T10:17:57+08:00 Peatix Universal Music Malaysia 林文蓀 【這世界終會記得我的名字】 音樂會 | Remember Wen Suen Live In KL tag:peatix.com,2019:event-653054 2019-06-08T20:00:00MYT 2019-06-08T20:00:00MYT 林文蓀608辦售票音樂會由馬來西亞環球音樂主辦,"大馬好女聲“ 林文蓀即將在2019年6月8日,晚上8時,在The Platform,Menara Ken TTDI舉辦林文蓀“這世界終會記得我的名字”售票音樂會。來自東馬鬥湖的林文蓀,剛在去年10月19日推出她的全新中文迷你專輯 - 【這世界終會記得我的名字】。 自小學習聲樂,參加國內大大小小的歌唱比賽,得獎無數。中學畢業後,到北京唸書5五年。在2017年,更奪下新馬版 “The Voice決戰好聲” 的總冠軍,並正式簽約馬來西亞環球音樂。過去幾年,林文蓀曾經在家鄉斗湖舉辦過慈善售票演唱會,她一直希望自己可以帶著家鄉斗湖鄉親父老的期望在吉隆坡開一場個人音樂會,而終於在今年她做到了!林文蓀希望透過這場音樂會,讓大家聽到更多她對音樂的想法,讓大家更認識“林文蓀”。 為了讓音樂會的內容和音樂更完整地呈現,林文蓀投入了很多心思籌備,從不缺席和公司的每一個開會,認真討論每一個細節包括配合音樂呈現的畫面等, 更親自與樂手老師討論曲目,歌曲編排等。 希望可以讓到場的歌迷有視覺和聽覺的享受,更希望和大家一起進入屬於“林文蓀”的音樂世界。 音樂會將會以LIVE BAND的形式,除了會演唱新歌和舊歌外,也會讓大家聽見她擅長的民族風歌曲。喜歡林文蓀的朋友千萬別錯過!想要購票的歌迷朋友只需前往 https://wensuenshowcase.peatix.com ,票價分為 標準區RM80,高級區 RM120。 欲知更多有關林文蓀《這世界終會記得我的名字》售票音樂會的詳情,請撥詢問熱線 03-79587433 EXT.512 或 瀏覽 大馬環球音樂Facebook (www.facebook.com/UMMRegional) / Instagram (www.instagram.com/universalmusicmy.reg) . 林文蓀“這世界終會記得我的名字”售票音樂會日期:2019年6月8日(星期六)時間:晚上8點地點: The Platform,Menara Ken TTDI票價:Premium 高級區RM120Standard 標準區RM80購票網站:https://wensuenshowcase.peatix.com開票日: 11th May 2019, 10AM (票價包含手續費,全場自由入座) NOTES• Each purchase comes with one (1) entry pass to 『Wen Suen 林文蓀 【這是終會記得我的名字】 音樂會 』. • Seating is on a first come first serve basis.• Please be seated 15 minutes before the performance start time.• You will receive a QR code upon the confirmation of your purchase from Peatix. This QR code will be needed in order to enter the venue. • Your QR code is retrievable on iOS and Android devices, or on your web browser upon purchase confirmation from Peatix.• DO NOT upload or share a photo of your QR code with anyone or on any of your social media platforms to avoid fraud or duplication.• Each QR code can only be used once. If the QR code has already been scanned once, it will no longer be valid.• Please ensure that all parties are present before entering the venue using your QR code.TERMS & CONDITIONS• All patrons, regardless of age, must purchase a ticket for admission. • Each entry pass admits one (1) person only.• All entry pass holders agree to be bound by the rules and regulations set by the organizer of the event.• The organizer reserves the right to postpone, cancel or change all or any part of the event at any time without incurring any liability for loss or hardship.• Entry pass holders, in their act of attending this event, agrees to assume all responsibilities personally for all the risks and dangers incidental to the event, whether occurring before, during or after the event in and/or around the venue.• All entry pass holders shall follow all instructions given by the authorized personnel of the organizer.• All tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.• Upon purchasing this ticket, entry pass holders agree to be searched for any prohibited items, including but not limited to weapons, illegal substances, recording devices, food & drinks.• No photos & videos are allowed without the prior written consent from the organizer.Universal Music Malaysia reserves the right of to change these terms & conditions at any time without prior notice. Updates tag:peatix.com,2019-05-11 05:47:42 2019-05-11 05:47:42 Title was changed to "林文蓀 【這世界終會記得我的名字】 音樂會 | Remember Wen Suen Live In KL". Orig#433335