Screening of 金马短片集 2 GOLDEN HORSE SHORTS 2 | Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2019 | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T10:15:22+08:00 Peatix Singapore Film Society Screening of 金马短片集 2 GOLDEN HORSE SHORTS 2 | Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2019,2019:event-629491 2019-04-27T19:00:00SGT 2019-04-27T19:00:00SGT 自2009年以来,“金马电影学院”每年有10至12位来自华语地区的年轻创作者在导师的引领下, 相互激荡集体创作出两部短片。新加坡华语电影节在此呈献八部新马年轻电影人参与的金马短片。Since the founding of the Golden Horse Film Academy in 2009, between 10 – 12 young filmmakers gather every year to learn from the many veteran masters of cinema, and collaboratively produce two short films during their short intensive one month stay in Taiwan. From the 20 short films created between 2009 - 2018, eight shorts that feature the talents of filmmakers from Singapore, and Malaysia have been selected to be showcased for the very first time in Singapore at 2019 SCFF.金马短片集 2 GOLDEN HORSE SHORTS 2*Q&A with filmmakers Chiang Wei Liang, Teo Qiyu, Tan Song Guan 出席影人:曾威量、张齐育、陈松光海边的房间 THE CABIN OF SEASIDE2014 / 39 Min / PG / Mandarin 华语 / English & Chinese subtitles 中英字幕Mentor 导师:陈骏霖 Arvin ChenFA Talents 学员:肖成刚(中)Xiao Cheng-Gang (China), 胡波(中)Hu Bo (China),曾威量(新)Chiang Wei-Liang (Singapore),黄至仪(台)Huang Jhih-Yi (Taiwan),卢川( 中)Terence Lu (China),颜代尧(中)Daniel Yan (China)从小被父母抛弃的女孩,跟着中医师的阿叔一起生活, 直到遇见了男孩,她下定决心为了他而要离开阿叔。 阿叔透露出希望与女孩一起经营中药行的愿望,但是女 孩始终兴趣缺缺,那一夜,阿叔安静的走入了女孩的房 间......A girl has been living with a Chinese physician, whom she calls “Uncle”, since her parents abandoned her. After she meets a boy, she decides to leave Uncle. Uncle tells the girl that he hopes to run the home clinic with her, but she is not keen at all. One night, Uncle enters her room quietly...我有一支枪THIS IS MY RIFLE. THIS IS MY GUN2017 / 14 Min / R21 - Sexual Scene 性相关画面 / Mandarin 华语 / English & Chinese subtitles 中英字幕Mentor 导师:黄进 Wong ChunFA Talents 学员:王通(中)Wang Tong (China),阮翔雯(台) Juan Hsiang-wen (Taiwan),郭昱辰(台)Kuo Yu-chen (Taiwan),陈钰莹(马)Chan Yoke-yeng (Malaysia),郑智 仁(台)Cheng Chih-jen (Taiwan),颜佑龙(马)Gan Yu- long (Malaysia),罗旻(中)Luo Min (China)阿勋退伍前夕,小C选择以最残酷的方式控诉。在这排 斥异类的军营裡,消化暴力是每个新兵的生存法则。暴 力,也不自觉地成了老兵不言明的传承......Xun is about to leave the army when Little C expresses his grievances by committing suicide. To survive in the army camp, every new recruit has to resign himself to being abused by his seniors, which has been a norm.暗湧FLOW OF TIDES2017 / 18 Min / M18 - Mature Content 内容只宜十八岁及以上 / Mandarin 华语 / English & Chinese subtitles 中英字幕Mentor 导师:傅天余 Fu Tien-yuFA Talents 学员:李冉(中)Li Ran (China),吕柏勋(台), Lu Po-shun (Taiwan),张齐育(新)Teo Qi-yu (Singapore), 陈宇诘(台)Jacob Chen (Taiwan),陈松光(新)Tan Song- guang (Singapore),谢丽伶(台)Hsieh Li-ling (Taiwan)孤寂苍凉的海边,夜晚的一声枪响,回荡在人烟稀少的 渔村。督导官宋上尉前来探查,带队班长兴哥说是自己 站哨时遇鬼,情急之下开了枪。然而,这三名在演习过 后被遗留善后的士兵,却似乎各怀心事。暗潮汹涌的大 海,一颗子弹、三名封闭寂寞的士兵,在鬼故事的背 后,击发的究竟是子弹,还是无法言说的欲望?One night, a gunshot is heard in a sparsely populated fishing village. Captain Song arrives at the village to investigate the incident. Sergeant Su Fuxing confesses that he fired that shot because he saw a ghost when he was on guard duty. Is he telling the truth?This is a story about a missing bullet, a ghost story, three lonely soldiers and their unspeakable desires.对讲机 UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS2018 / 18 Min / PG / Mandarin 华语 / English & Chinese subtitles 中英字幕Mentor 导师:姜秀琼Chiang Hsiu-chiungFA Talents 学员:方亮(中)Fang Liang (China),宋丽颖 (中)Song Li-ying (China),林世菁(台)Lin Shih-ching (Taiwan),胡晨(中)Hu Chen (China),秦廷宇(台)Griffith Chin (Taiwan),梁秀红(马)Leong Siew-hong (Malaysia), 程添健(马)Cheng Thim-kian (Malaysia)公寓楼下的门铃对讲机坏了,真真找人修理后,拿着对 讲机的“尸体”在楼宇间展开收钱之旅。有的邻居爽快 分摊,有的邻居嫌弃真真爱管闲事。真真多次按下蔡先 生的门铃都无人应门,但屋内却频频传来不寻常的狗吠 声......Zhen Zhen goes from door-to-door to collect money from her neighbours after she fixes the intercom in the apartment building. Some of them happily give her the money, but some refuse to pay the amount due. Mr. Tsai is the last neighbour she calls on. No one answers the door when she presses the doorbell, but she hears a dog barking inside.Singapore Chinese Film Festival is co-founded and organised by the Singapore Film Society and Singapore University of Social Sciences, and is held annually since 2013. The main objective of the festival is to promote the appreciation of quality Chinese Cinema here in Singapore. Through panel discussions and dialogue, the festival aims to foster deeper interaction between Singapore filmmaking talents and filmmakers from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia.It is currently the second largest film festival held in Singapore in terms of number of films screened and audience attendance, with yearly growth in attendance since its inauguration in 2013.More infomation at our SCFF website. Updates,2019-04-22 11:01:12 2019-04-22 11:01:12 The event description was updated. Diff#428445 Updates,2019-04-16 05:59:10 2019-04-16 05:59:10 The event description was updated. Diff#426633