Screening of 时光台湾2018 REEL TAIWAN 2018 | Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2019 | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T10:15:16+08:00 Peatix Singapore Film Society Screening of 时光台湾2018 REEL TAIWAN 2018 | Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2019,2019:event-629466 2019-04-26T19:30:00SGT 2019-04-26T19:30:00SGT 2018年台湾的国影中心与公共电视携手合作,邀请多位导演运用该中心所典藏之档案影像进行全新短 片创作。华语电影节选择五部风格各异的作品,让大家看到使用旧档案影像重新创作的可能性。Reel Taiwan 2018 is a collaboration between Taiwan Film Institute (TFI) and Public Television Service (PTS), where 13 filmmakers were invited to revisit the film archives at TFI, and make use of the huge library of visual and sound archival materials to create short documentary films about any subject matter of their choice. In this specially curated showcase of Reel Taiwan 2018, five films by directors Rina Tsou, Laha Mebow, Chung Chuan, Fu Yu, and Lau Kek Huat have been selected to show the diversity and creative possibilities from the utilisation of old archival materials in filmmaking.虎父的妞妞未而立 THE HORRIBLE THIRTY: ME, MY FATHER AND RICHARD THE TIGER台湾 Taiwan / 2018 / 23 Min / PG / Mandarin 华语 / English & Chinese subtitles 中英字幕导演 Director:邹隆娜 Rina B. Tsou即将步入30岁的而立之年,Rina依旧迷茫摸索着并不安 稳的、想成为电影导演的生活。这一年,她特别思念的 爸爸从天上派出他最爱的生肖虎,替他默默聆听、陪伴女 儿摇摇未立的生活声轨,透过电影遥想回放他30岁那时 1950年代的世界面貌。As she nears the age of 30, Rina still tries to find, with some difficulty, a path to becoming a film director.This year her father Richard, whom she misses dearly, sends his favourite animal and Chinese zodiac sign, the tiger, to silently listen and follow his daughter through her unsteady sound of life. Through the medium of the film, we distantly imagine what the world was like in the 1950s, when he himself was 30.32公里~六十年 32KM - 60 YEARS台湾 Taiwan / 2018 / 20 Min / PG / Mandarin 华语 / English & Chinese subtitles 中英字幕导演 Director:陈洁瑶Laha Mebow那年,部落年轻人又开始发起回老部落的寻根活动。快70 年没有人住的部落几乎没有路可以走,Wilang拖着快80 岁的身体跟我们一起上山。随着Wilang脚步,寻根像是 一条穿越时空的路,而下山后老人家的梦境也穿越了那些 时代记忆...... After being abandoned for nearly seven decades, the old tribal village is difficult to reach with almost no road leading to it. The only guide on our journey in search of our roots is Wilang, who drags his octogenarian body up the mountain. As we follow Wilang’s footsteps, we travel through a tunnel back in time...不曾消失的台湾省 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF CHINA台湾 Taiwan / 2018 / 24 Min / PG / Mandarin 华语 / English & Chinese subtitles 中英字幕导演 Director:傅榆 Fu Yu身为一个“非本省”家庭长大的小孩,我其实本来对“台 湾”是不存在认同感的。在“台湾省”这个名词似乎即将 成为历史的现在,却想借这部短片重新从省籍的角度来 爬梳自己的过去,因为,这是我理解台湾的过程,也是 期待未来能被台湾理解的机会。As someone who grew up in a family that wasn’t originally from Taiwan, I didn’t identify with “Taiwan” at first. With the term “Taiwan Province” now consigned to the oblivion, in this short film I aim to comb through my own past from the vantage point of one’s ‘province of origin’.一中 ONE WORLD ONE DREAM台湾 Taiwan / 2018 / 20 Min / PG / Mandarin 华语 / English & Chinese subtitles 中英字幕导演 Director:钟权 Chung Chuan人说,梦的故事在现实中是相反的,然而有时现实又像 场梦,如同镜像,看似反,时光却不再返,看着镜中面 容,是真实的我或是镜外人的副本?当下的某个片段在 梦中似曾相识,过去、现在、未来,时光双城,同一世 界,同一梦想,仅止于想,却无法享。People say what happens in dreams is opposite to that in reality; however, sometimes, reality is like a dream, as well as a mirror image: although it can present a reversed reflection, it cannot reverse time. Like an island where its time and space are stagnating, a current moment may seem familiar in dreams.萤火FIREFLY马来西亚、台湾 Malaysia, Taiwan / 2018 / 20 Min / PG13 - Some Coarse Language 些许粗俗语言 / Mandarin 华语 / English & Chinese subtitles 中英字幕 导演 Director:廖克发 Lau Kek Huat关于马来西亚华人的故事。18世纪末、19世纪初,散落 和游走在南洋这块海域上的海外华人,犹如游移在两岸的 黑水之上,漂浮不定的萤火。导演也在此道出1927年首 部新马华语电影《新客》因题材和语言问题被当时殖民 政府排除在外的史实。 A story about ethnic Chinese Malaysians in the late 18th and early 19th centuries: as they traverse the lands in the South China Sea, they become like fireflies quivering upon the dark waters.Singapore Chinese Film Festival is co-founded and organised by the Singapore Film Society and Singapore University of Social Sciences, and is held annually since 2013. The main objective of the festival is to promote the appreciation of quality Chinese Cinema here in Singapore. Through panel discussions and dialogue, the festival aims to foster deeper interaction between Singapore filmmaking talents and filmmakers from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia.It is currently the second largest film festival held in Singapore in terms of number of films screened and audience attendance, with yearly growth in attendance since its inauguration in 2013.More infomation at our SCFF website. Updates,2019-04-22 10:56:11 2019-04-22 10:56:11 The event description was updated. Diff#428440