【工作坊】做一本家庭故事手帐 III | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2021-11-15T10:15:37+08:00 Peatix School of Chin Kang 【工作坊】做一本家庭故事手帐 III tag:peatix.com,2019:event-627575 2019-05-04T13:30:00SGT 2019-05-04T13:30:00SGT “During Ah Ma’s Time, we used to draw water from the nearby well…”Have you heard of your grandparents sharing their tales (and tears) when they were younger?Do YOU know what your grandparents went through to make Singapore who she is today?There’s an important saying in Chinese “饮水思源” which means “to be grateful, and not forget our roots”.As we forge forward to create Singapore’s future, we must first understand our past.Here's an opportunity for you to speak to your grandparents and listen to fighter tales of the older generation. Hearing recounts from your closest relatives, and make a Family History Journal of your OWN.In this workshop, participants will be able to: Create a journal from scratch; Learn basic fundamental in visual design and layout; Explore different methods of photo and text treatments; Get familiar with journaling and scrapbooking tools and stationeries This workshop is held in conjunction with "Our Grandparents' Stories Journal Competition" organised by Singapore Chin Kang Huay Kuan and School of Chin Kang. The workshop will be taught by passionate papercrafter instructors from PaperMarket who have had extensive experience in teaching papercrafting and scrapbooking. More details about the competition, please click here.我们生活在一个科技世界,可以掌握全世界最新的消息、知道最遥远地方的事情,但我们对自己祖父母的事情,又知道多少呢?祖父母的故事,是否也可以用时下最潮的手帐来呈现呢?继三月份工作坊报名额满,晋江会馆与晋江学校将开办多两场工作坊。此两场工作坊邀请PaperMarket经验丰富的导师,指导学员们从零开始设计、制作一本个人风格的家庭历史手帐。学员们可在工作坊学习基本设计与版面编排概念、材料使用、照片与文字的设计贴士等。工作坊名额有限,报名请早。【工作坊】做一本家庭故事手帐 IIIDate: 4 May 2019, SaturdayTime: 1.30pm - 3.30pm Venue: 晋江会馆,29, Bukit Pasoh Road, #04-01, Singapore 089843*Session II of the workshop will be held on 20 Apr 2019. Please click here for registration for Session II.Ticketing Information- Seats are on a free seating basis.- Tickets sold are non-refundable.- Ticket includes workshop materials and a $20 PaperMarket voucher.About Our Grandparents' Stories Journal Competition配合新加坡开埠200周年纪念,新加坡晋江会馆以及属下的晋江学校举办“第一届祖辈故事手帐创作比赛”,鼓励年轻的新加坡人记录他们祖父母的故事。通过手帐(笔记本),引发年轻人追根溯源的兴趣,激发创意,以新视角、 新样貌呈现祖辈们的故事。通过这项比赛,我们也鼓励参赛者使用中文来展示他们的创意。我们希望年轻人带动家族成员一起参赛,借机会与他们的祖父母深度交谈,倾听老一辈的奋斗故事,挖掘他们最深刻、久远的回忆,探索早期移民、祖辈们建立家园的拼搏精神和身心历程,向祖辈们致敬。比赛简章与详情,请点击这里。