Piano Prodigies Serenade | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-11-01T00:26:21+09:00 Peatix 東京シンフォニア Tokyo Sinfonia Piano Prodigies Serenade tag:peatix.com,2019:event-618840 2019-04-17T19:00:00JST 2019-04-17T19:00:00JST Laetitia and Philip Hahn (English follows)レティシャ・ハーン2003年、ドイツ、デュッセルドルフ生れの15歳。2歳でピアノを、4歳でヴァイオリンを始める。4歳で小学校に入学し、4年飛び級。7歳の時に、ピアノとヴァイオリンのソロコンサートを行う。8歳でピアノの奨学生として、デュッセルドルフ大学入学。12歳でスイスにて音楽学士課程の勉強を始めた。バッハ、ブレーメン、ラフマニノフ、ロータリー、シュルター、スタインウェイ等のコンクールで20の賞を受賞し、奨学金も獲得。2016年カワイアーティストとなる。アーヘンニュース新聞「ピープル2014」に選ばれ、ランランからは音楽大使に推薦された。アーヘン、バート・ウラッハ、ドレスデン、エッセン、ハンブルク、ケーテン、ライプツィヒ、ミュンヘン等の国内都市のほか、オーストリア、ベルギー、イタリア、ポーランド、ルーマニア、ロシアでも演奏。本公演が日本デビューとなる。フィリップ・ハーン2009年、ドイツ、デュッセルドルフ生れの9歳。姉に影響を受けて1歳でピアノを始める。4歳でフランクフルトのプレカレッジに入学。7歳からスイスの大学で学ぶ。既にコンクール優勝歴を持ち、アーヘン、ボン、デュッセルドルフ、フランクフルト、ハンブルク、ミュンヘン、トリーア等の国内都市のほか、オーストリアでも演奏。本公演が日本デビューとなる。ピアノ協奏曲 イ短調 作品54 (シューマン)ピアノ レティシャ・ハーンピアノ協奏曲第2番 変ロ長調 作品19 (ベートーヴェン)ピアノ フィリップ・ハーンピアノ協奏曲第3番 ハ短調 作品37 (ベートーヴェン)ピアノ レティシャ・ハーンPreserved on YouTube, pianist Laetitia Hahn was profiled on television, replying to the prompting of the interviewer with charm, wit, and intelligence. She then was led to the grand piano where she sat to confidently ripple off an absolutely stunning Mendelssohn scherzo. Eight years old at the time, her performance was that of a seasoned concert artist. Now 15, Laetitia and her younger brother Phillip, aged nine, have garnered enthusiastic plaudits from concert performances in a dozen European nations. They have captured the attention of maestro Robert Ryker, who will conduct the Tokyo Sinfonia for their Asian debut on April 17 in Oji Hall, Ginza.The piano prodigies will perform: Concerto for Piano & Orchestra in A Minor, Op. 54 (Schumann), Laetitia Hahn, piano solo Concerto for Piano & Orchestra No. 2 in B-flat Major, Op. 19 (Beethoven), Philip Hahn, piano solo Concerto for Piano & Orchestra No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 37 (Beethoven), Laetitia Hahn, piano solo Laetitia HahnFifteen-year-old Laetitia Hahn was born in Düsseldorf, Germany in 2003. She began playing piano at the age of two, added the violin two years later and started public school, skipping four grades. At eight, she began university studies as a piano young scholar in Düsseldorf. At 12, she was enrolled in Switzerland for a Bachelor of Arts in Music. She has won a score of awards and scholarships in the Bach, Bremen, Rachmaninoff, Rotary, Schülter, Steinway and other competitions. In 2016, she was named a Kawai Artist. The Aachener Nachtrichten named her among the “People of 2014.” Lang Lang nominated her as a Musical Ambassador. She has appeared in Aachen, Bad Urach, Dresden, Essen, Hamburg, Köthen, Leipzig and Munich; and in Austria, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Romania and Russia. This is her first appearance in Japan.Philip HahnNine-year-old Philip Hahn was born in Düsseldorf, Germany, in 2009. Inspired by the example of his older sister, he began playing piano at the age of one. At four, he became the youngest pre-college student in Frankfurt. At seven, he was admitted to university studies in Switzerland. He has already won first prizes in competition. He has appeared in Aachen, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich, Trier; and abroad in Austria. This is his first appearance in Japan.Come and join us for this rare opportunity to see some of the most talented young musicians in the world!