Team nadia 3/9 tropical lunch fundraiser | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T11:12:05+09:00 Peatix Rolf Team nadia 3/9 tropical lunch fundraiser,2019:event-598978 2019-03-09T12:00:00JST 2019-03-09T12:00:00JST 寒い日が続いていますが,東京では梅のつぼみが見られるなど、ほんの少しですが春の兆しも感じられるようになりました。今年の3月11日で東日本大震災から間もなく8年が経とうとしています。震災を機に設立したnadiaも8歳になり、一昨年に定款を変更しその活動範囲を広げ、てんかんや小児がん患者の団体の支援も行なっています。もちろんつながりを大切にして東北の支援も続けています。nadiaの運営は全てが寄付金によるもので、皆様のおかげで活動を継続し続けることが出来ています。Even though it is still quite cold, in Tokyo we are starting to see a few signs of spring such as the buds of Japanese plum blossoms. This March 11th will mark eight years since the Great Eastern Earthquake and subsequent tsunami. nadia, which was established in the aftermath of the disaster, is also turning eight. Two years ago, changes were made to our teikan (NPO rules) to expand our scope of activities, and we now support epilepsy and pediatric cancer patient groups. Of course, we still highly value the ties that we have made to Tohoku and continue our support in the region. Given that all nadia operations run on donated funds, we can continue this volunteer work thanks to all of you. 私たちは2019年も社会的不利を負う方々のために積極的に活動をして行きたいと考えており、そのため今年もチャリティパーティを開催することに致しました。なるべく多くの方にお越し頂けるよう、今年は3月9日(土)の昼に、都内のフランス料理のレストランで開催します。シェフのパションさんが本当に贅沢な料理をふるまってくださり、しかも飲み放題です。In 2019, as well, we nadians would like to actively do what we can for people with social disadvantages, so we decided to have a charity fundraiser again this year. We are hoping to draw a large crowd, so we are holding the party on Saturday, March 9th, at noon at a French restaurant in Tokyo. Chef Pachon will prepare for us lavish delicacies and also an open bar. 皆様とお会いし、互いの近況を報告し、また私達の活動をより知って頂き、さらに前に進むための元気と勇気を皆様と共有できればと考えております。nadiaの活動継続のためにどうぞご参加くださいますようお願いいたします。 All of us at nadia look forward to seeing you, catching up, and sharing our recent activities with you, and we hope to share with you the energy and courage needed to move forward. So that nadia can continue its activities, please kindly join us at our charity fundraiser.イベント:フランス人も絶賛の美味しいフランス料理、沖縄民謡、フラダンス、オークション、ラッフルくじ、などなど盛りだくさんです。Attractions:Delicious French cuisine with a tropical flare, Okinawan folk music, hula, auction, raffle, etc.  Expect a lot of dancing!その他:当日のイベントのテーマはトロピカルな南国です。出来れば南国をイメージした服装・コスチュームでお越しください(数量限定ですがハワイのレイを当日販売いたします)。Please note:The March 9th event is tropical themed. If possible, please wear Island-style clothes or costumes. Hawaiian leis will be available for sale at the venue. Updates,2019-02-03 14:17:10 2019-02-03 14:17:10 The event description was updated. Diff#406657 Updates,2019-02-03 14:16:29 2019-02-03 14:16:29 The event description was updated. Diff#406656 Updates,2019-02-03 14:15:45 2019-02-03 14:15:45 The event description was updated. Diff#406655 Updates,2019-02-03 11:42:42 2019-02-03 11:42:42 The event description was updated. Diff#406621 Updates,2019-02-03 07:10:53 2019-02-03 07:10:53 The event description was updated. Diff#406588 Updates,2019-02-03 05:41:13 2019-02-03 05:41:13 The event description was updated. Diff#406573 Updates,2019-01-31 14:44:59 2019-01-31 14:44:59 Title was changed to "Team nadia 3/9 tropical lunch fundraiser". Orig#405988