[Texture] 在异乡响起的人生组曲:外劳小说讲座 A Tale of Two Cities: Stories about Migrant Workers in Singapore | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-11-01T01:38:21+08:00 Peatix Arts House Limited [Texture] 在异乡响起的人生组曲:外劳小说讲座 A Tale of Two Cities: Stories about Migrant Workers in Singapore tag:peatix.com,2019:event-595448 2019-03-09T14:00:00SGT 2019-03-09T14:00:00SGT 多年来,新加坡因国家建设和经济发展急需大量劳动力。 每天,有近156万外劳在岛上国工作。他们远离家乡,暂别亲人,到陌生的异乡寻梦。其中,毎天进出关卡的马国外劳也有28万。异乡人寻梦的心态虽然各异,但是为欲望所驱使,为求过美好的生活大体上是一致的。他们在这里的生活和遭遇,是一系列由无奈、离别、相思、思乡、欢乐、寂寞、苦闷、失落...组成的人生组曲。李选楼、丁云的外劳小说,都各自反映了外劳在这里的生活和心态。他们将与黎康,以对谈的方式,介绍异乡人在国外寻梦的目的,生活和心态。外劳寻梦是我国社会现实的一面,参与的族群不少,人数众多,且是个全球性的问题。主办单位希望借此讲座,引起更多社会人士的关注,并鼓励作家,以他们的生活为内容,写出更多动人的作品。讲座由新加坡艺术家和新加坡文艺协会联合主办。Singapore's rapid economic development in the past few decades has necessitated large amounts of labour. Every day, there are close to 1.5 million migrant workers labouring on our shores. They have left their homes and families, and travelled to a foreign land in search of better prospects. Even though their dispositions and stories are different, they are all motivated by a shared desire of securing a brighter future for their families. Their lives and encounters here are stories of helplessness, parting, lovesickness, homesickness, joy, loneliness, depression, and loss.Two local authors, Lee Chuan Low and Ding Yun, have documented their own experiences with various stories about migrant workers, whose dreams are interwoven with the realities of our society. This panel discussion aims to raise awareness about the lives of migrant workers and encourage other writers to create moving stories about their trials and tribulations.This panel discussion is jointly organised by The Arts House and the Singapore Literature Society.This session is conducted in Mandarin.This programme is a part of Textures 2019, click here for the full festival line-up.About Textures - A Weekend With Words 7 - 10 Mar, Thu - SunTextures - A Weekend With Words returns for its sophomore edition at The Arts House after a successful inaugural run in 2018! The 2019 edition will see the festival take on the theme of “Love and Loss (and some things in between)”. From performances to exhibitions, talks and panels to workshops, Textures will feature your favourite Sing Lit authors, and those you have yet to discover, in a variety of activities. Updates tag:peatix.com,2019-02-14 06:55:00 2019-02-14 06:55:00 Title was changed to "[Texture] 在异乡响起的人生组曲:外劳小说讲座 A Tale of Two Cities: Stories about Migrant Workers in Singapore". Orig#409556 Updates tag:peatix.com,2019-02-14 06:50:31 2019-02-14 06:50:31 Title was changed to "[Textures] 在异乡响起的人生组曲: 外劳小说讲座 A Tale of Two Cities: Stories about Migrant Workers in Singapore". Orig#409555