Bring Out Your Focus | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T09:44:14+08:00 Peatix uskhk Bring Out Your Focus,2018:event-430775 2018-10-27T14:00:00HKT 2018-10-27T14:00:00HKT INSTRUCTOR: NOBLE WONG Workshop Description 你有冇試過明明眼前係一棟好有趣嘅建築物,但係總俾其他環境雜訊影響,唔知㸃落筆?又或者想畫嘅嘢畫出嚟總係唔夠突出?這workshop會介紹一啲技巧可以協助你處理。 - This workshop will be conducted in Cantonese only What to bring It is recommended to bring watercolour sketchbook or loose paper (minimum 180gsm, recommended 300gsm), HB pencil, pen (I use 0.1 and 0.3 mm), brush pen (I use 秀麗筆) or fountain pen for linework, and a watercolour brush and palette.Minimum 8 participantsMaximum 15 participants    Instructor biography Noble Wong is a local illustrator, mural painter and urban sketcher. He feels joy when sketching things around him, because they are shared values of Hong Kong people. He established an illustration company “Noble Sketchbook” in 2015, and has worked on projects including shutter paintings for “HK Urban Canvas" and mural for revitalisation project of Tai Kwun, and has published his book of sketch collection in Jul 2018.   Social Media