The Legend of Nezha - BUNDLE PROMOTION!! | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-17T13:51:23+08:00 Peatix Paper Monkey Theatre Limited The Legend of Nezha - BUNDLE PROMOTION!!,2014:event-41616 2014-07-11T10:00:00SGT 2014-07-11T10:00:00SGT WELCOME TO THE BUNDLE PROMOTION PAGE!!Get 10% Discount when you purchase 4 tickets and above (while seats are available)!!传说中在很久很久以前,一个叫陈塘关的地方,住着一个耿直、冲动的小孩叫哪吒。有一天,哪吒偶游东海之滨,得识东海龙王劫物虏人的可恶行为。闻知他的好友被东海龙王的儿子,三太子给虏去,好打不平的哪吒,在冲动、愤怒的情况下冲入水晶宫将三太子严重打伤。哪吒的父亲获知事态严重后,深怕得罪龙王而殃及百姓。哪吒为了不想连累父母和乡亲父老,抽出了宝剑自尽。时空穿越到今天,哪吒再次出现,自小和爸爸相依为命。他依旧是个性格冲动、火爆的小孩,在学校经常闯祸 。为了严惩恶霸蝴蝶帮,他挺身而出状告老师。为了报复,蝴蝶帮编织了谎言嫁祸于哪吒。哪吒会如何摆脱蝴蝶帮的诡辩?他会再次赔上自己的性命吗?猴纸剧坊年度大戏《封神榜之哪吒》讲述了中华民族的优良传统、孝道及正义必战胜邪恶的信念和信心。全剧将以精致传统、活灵活现的杖头偶,神秘奇幻的皮影戏,配合武术以及时尚的现代华乐伴奏,巧妙的把一个家喻户晓的经典民间神话故事融入现代故事中!July 2014, Paper Monkey Theatre presents a modern adaptation of a Chinese classic fairy tale - Long ago, in a place called Chentang Guan, there lived a young boy named Nezha. When Nezha realised his hometown was terrorised by the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, the brave and witty Nezha broke into the Dragon King’s underwater palace and defeated the third prince. News travelled fast and Li Jing, Nezha’s father, feared that the angry Dragon King would flood the town in revenge. To save the people and his family from the disaster, Nezha sacrificed his life….In a separate story of the modern day, Nezha was a playful young boy who lived with his father. Despite being mischievous, he loved his father very much. One day, Nezha came across a gang of school bullies and reported them to the teacher. The gang decided to take revenge and sabotaged Nezha. Will Nezha be able to save himself and clear his father’s reputation? Or will he follow the foot steps of The Legend of Nezha?This is Paper Monkey Theatre’s adaptation of a Chinese classic fairy tale with a modern twist reflecting a young child’s journey to learn the true meaning of bravery, integrity and filial piety. This enchanting, meaningful tale comes alive through drama, specially handcrafted rod & shadow puppets and martial art, accompanied by live Chinese percussion performance by local talents . This is a multi-faceted play NOT TO BE MISSED! Updates,2014-07-11 02:43:36 2014-07-11 02:43:36 The event description was updated. Diff#41912 Updates,2014-06-18 02:35:54 2014-06-18 02:35:54 The event description was updated. Diff#39582 Updates,2014-06-18 02:35:38 2014-06-18 02:35:38 The event description was updated. Diff#39581