Nanyang poetry and music from past to present - One Man’s Musical Journey 《从诗乐到南洋新诗乐—郭永秀的诗乐之旅》 | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T09:40:08+08:00 Peatix Arts House Limited Nanyang poetry and music from past to present - One Man’s Musical Journey 《从诗乐到南洋新诗乐—郭永秀的诗乐之旅》,2018:event-404695 2018-08-11T19:30:00SGT 2018-08-11T19:30:00SGT Please note that the performance timing of 2-3.30pm is for 12 AUGUST, SUNDAY.PerformanceShiyue (诗乐) is a genre of Chinese poetry accompanied by music pioneered by the final batches of Nantah (南大) students in the 1970s, which served as a precursor to Xinyao (新谣). In recent years, it has experienced a resurgence among a young generation of musicians and poets, seeking to breathe new life into the written word through musical expression – be it classical music or choral singing. At the forefront of this movement is Quek Yong Siu, an instrumental figure who has helped bridged worlds of literature and music with his dual identities as a poet and music composer. This performance charts his musical journey in the revival of Shiyue in Singapore, featuring close to 18 of his original creations pairing works by renowned Singapore poets to song. It shines light into the history of Shiyue, defining characteristics of it, as well as the differences between past and present forms.这场音乐会动员了20多位乐员,包括歌唱、钢琴、吉他、古筝、琵琶、长笛、小提琴等,演唱17位诗人的诗,以及为他们的歌曲伴奏。演唱方式多样化,包括独唱、领唱、合唱、朗诵。歌曲的风格各异,包括通俗歌曲、校园民歌、美声歌曲、西洋风及中国风的歌曲;主要以华语唱出,但也有英文歌曲,也有以诗写成的乐曲。演唱形式可以说应有尽有,显示出作曲家郭永秀的作曲功力。在音乐会开始时,也没有忘记介绍早年为诗乐开了风气的张泛的经典创作。这是一场难得一见的音乐会,集聚了不同类型的演唱者,包括流行歌曲、民歌以及美声。在同一个音乐会中能听到这么多类型的歌曲,在新加坡恐怕还是第一次!Pre-show lectureThe pre-show lecture, presented by Prof Zhang Fan and Quek Yong Siu, will draw on practical examples to explore the connections between“poetry”,”new music” and “modern Nanyang poetry with music”. They will also share insights on how the art form originated, its cultural significance and evolution through the decades.在过去的几个月里,由蔡志礼博士所命名的“南洋新诗乐”讲座,一共举行了十次,吸引了许多爱好诗歌和音乐的朋友们前来聆听。相信到现在为止,大家对“南洋新诗乐”已经有了一定的认识。而“诗乐”、“新诗乐”以及“南洋新诗乐”之间到底有什么关系呢?这场讲座《从诗乐到新诗乐》将由本地第一位创作“诗乐”的张泛博士,以及第一位创作“新诗乐”的郭永秀来为大家讲解。他们两位都是以诗入乐的主要实践者,也是创作最多“诗乐”、“新诗乐”以及“南洋新诗乐”的音乐工作者。这个讲座上,他们将以实际的诗乐创作,来印证早前所说的一些有关诗乐的理论。 Updates,2018-08-09 13:32:28 2018-08-09 13:32:28 The event description was updated. Diff#360353