TEDxPetalingStreet 2018 年会:燃 | Passion | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2022-04-04T14:05:32+08:00 Peatix TEDxPetalingStreet TEDxPetalingStreet 2018 年会:燃 | Passion tag:peatix.com,2018:event-403077 2018-10-13T09:00:00MYT 2018-10-13T09:00:00MYT 生命是一把信念的火炬,在时间洪流里,采集勇敢与热忱的火种,引燃斗志,热烈地支撑起内心那份动力,跨越眼前障碍,所向披靡,发光发热。如同每人心中的那头猛虎,驱使你勇往直前,征服困难;哪怕长夜漫漫,只要恒持炽热决心与万丈热情,百折不饶中,冲破黑暗界线。让火焰持续金光炽盛,唯步伐不断砥砺前行。在岁月中激情燃烧自己,天生敢为,真我不藏,你终将在时代的苍穹里绽放属于自己的光芒。   分享,是 TEDxPetalingStreet 由始至终的初心。一路走来,TEDxPetalingStreet 汇聚了有影响力的讲者和有诚意学习的人,把两者点滴串联起来,从心出发,再重新定义自己和这片土地的关系。讲者和观众彼此引领著彼此从心去认识这片土地的人、事与物。因此,每一届 18 组讲者的生命行迹,成为了台前幕后的学习对象和生命借鉴,凭着一股敢动力量推著自己去付出一些,以期许自己或他人的生命变得更好,泛起涟漪回响以后,再继续于自己的人生道路上灿烂燃放!   燃,每一寸光和热,正是信念里的勇敢与热忱持续延烧,让台前幕後丶台上台下每一位的坚信与把持,把大马华人精英的智慧与努力成果,汇集一堂共燃共勉;每一个 18 分钟都是一颗火种,点燃梦想源头丶展现梦想、燃烧自己也照耀他人!匆匆六年,我们希望不仅是有人上台演讲,更期许每一个出席的你都能够勇敢尽情地持续燃烧自己,华丽盛开!   TEDxPetalingStreet 来到第 6 年,一步一脚印,秉持将马来西亚华人的智慧结集,搭建给予各业杰出精英一个与世界分享他们卓越点子的平台。豁出自己,承传过去,建设当下,敢想大未来。   10 月 13 日,2018 TEDxPetalingStreet 年会,我们期待你前来参与一起燃点生命的光和热!   更多详情,将会陆续在 http://www.facebook.com/TEDxPetalingStreet  更新。   注意事项: 1.     限量早鸟票,售罄为止。 2.     票价含午餐、与早、午两次茶点。 3.     出席年会,衣着需端庄整齐。   年会赞助相关事宜,敬请联系: 共同策展人, Jacky Tan – jacky@tedxpetalingstreet.com 共同策展人, William Ho – william@tedxpetalingstreet.comThe flames of our dreams keep our life lit, carrying this torch we boldly take steps and blaze the trail, moving forward fearlessly. This bright spark and flame powers our hearts, illuminate it making it invincible so we can overcome the uncertainties and challenges ahead. Without this torch, fear cloaks us and we lose our direction in the dark. The flames of these ideas become our passion, We use our passion to go the distance and bravely endure the trials and tribulations before reaching to the other shore and taste the sweet success and it’s flavor. Ideas worth spreading is the core belief of TEDxPetalingStreet. We initiate this platform, striving to bridge the gap, collect and nurture the ideas of creative and passionate Malaysian Chinese individuals for our community’s benefit. In this event, these speakers will share their realized ideas and every momentous experience they took, these are the aspiration energy for our community. After the ripple or echo is formed, just continue to shine on own your path of life!When Passion is inflamed with ideas and creativity, It fuels courage, faith, and enthusiasm. Through the efforts and collaboration of everyone, from the stage, behind the scene up to curating these ideas to simple yet impactful series of talks, creating a unique collection of Malaysian Chinese elites which we converge all of them under one roof and shine together. 

Every 18 minutes is a tinder, ignite the source of dreams, showcase your dreams, light up yourself and shine on others! In six years, we hope that not only will someone come to speak on the stage, but also those who present will continue to light up themselves with grace and elegance!We’re taking on this passionate quest one step at a time; this year, we return with to our TEDx stage with more ideas so you can ignite and carry the flames of your own passion to your own future that is be reimagined!October 13, 2018 TEDxPetalingStreet annual meeting, come to join us and ignite the light and heat of life!   Friendly reminders: 1. Early bird tickets will be sold in limited quantity. 2. Ticket prices include lunch, morning tea and afternoon tea snacks. 3. Do dress appropriately when attending the event.   For marketing and sponsorship opportunities, kindly contact Co-Curator, Jacky Tan - jacky@tedxpetalingstreet.com Co-Curator, William Ho - william@tedxpetalingstreet.com Updates tag:peatix.com,2018-09-13 06:12:56 2018-09-13 06:12:56 The event description was updated. Diff#370038 Updates tag:peatix.com,2018-07-05 01:56:56 2018-07-05 01:56:56 The event description was updated. Diff#350938