#30 (In-person) GHIPP Special Dialogue ”Navigating the future: Japan's challenge and its choice” | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2024-06-27T11:32:40+09:00 Peatix GHIPP #30 (In-person) GHIPP Special Dialogue ”Navigating the future: Japan's challenge and its choice” tag:peatix.com,2024:event-3932698 2024-05-28T10:30:00JST 2024-05-28T10:30:00JST This is in-person event (NOT Webinar) at GRIPS. Please use public transportation. 対面イベントとなります(Webinarではありませんのでご注意ください)。GRIPSへは公共交通機関をご利用ください)GHIPP スペシャルダイアログ  Special Dialogue on Regional Crises Co-sponsored by YCAPS and ICAS現在私たちは、新型コロナウイルスなどパンデミックや、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻、地政学的変化、経済危機、地域安全保障上の脅威など、多様な面からの危機に直面しています。これまでの前提が大きく変化し、直面する課題について根本的な議論が求められています。「日本の課題」に対して政策議論の土台となる国内外の視点を提供し、議論の深化を進め、ガバナンスや国内外政策の革新的な方向性を模索し、内外の専門家・識者の国際的連携を促進するため、議論のプラットフォームとして、GHIPPでは会議シリーズを企画運営します。英語開催となります。米国日本大使館の支援を受けております。We are facing various crises: the global pandemic, regional conflicts, geopolitical changes, economic crises, and regional security threats. Preconditions have changed drastically, and we are at a critical juncture to fundamentally reconsider policies and frameworks to deal with such crises. We need to allocate appropriate resources and policies, through building resilient global communities and knowledge-based resource hubs. GHIPP is strengthening global partnership by building discussion platforms "Japan's challenge" and sharing knowledge, lessons learned, and vision by creating new regional communities for resilience. This project is funded by the United States Embassy, Tokyo (2023-2025).#30 GHIPP Special Dialogue: 今回は、キャノン戦略研究所理事・特別顧問の宮家邦彦氏をお迎えします。宮家氏は、日本を代表する外交・安全保障の論客であり、中東をはじめ東アジアなど幅広い地域情勢に精通しておられます。当日は「Navigating the future: Japan’s challenge and its choice」と題してお話くださいます。Global Health Innovation Policy Program at GRIPS invites you to the 30th Special dialogue. We are excited to welcome Mr. Kunihiko Miyake, a distinguished geopolitical analyst and commentator, and he is renowned for his profound insights into security, international politics, and East Asian affairs.Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024  10:30 am -11:30 am JST  Topic: “Navigating the future: Japan's challenge and its choice”Speaker: Mr. Kunihiko Miyake, Director, the Canon Institute for Global Studies Commentator: Prof. Narushige Michishita, Executive Vice President, GRIPSFacilitator: Dr. Hiromi Murakami, Visiting Scholar (GHIPP)Chair: Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Professor emeritus (GHIPP)In-person Event (GRIPS) 7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo Access and Maps  ★Please use public transportation(公共交通機関をご利用ください)GRIPS Conference room L at 5th floor Language: English (英語のみ)Fee: Free (Please register from this site)Deadline: May 23, 2024More details  https://ghipp.org/newsSpeaker's bio:Mr. Kunihiko Miyake, a distinguished geopolitical analyst and commentator, is renowned for his profound insights into security, international politics, and East Asian affairs. With a career spanning decades, Miyake has navigated the complex landscape of international relations with remarkable acumen. As a former diplomat and policy advisor, he has contributed extensively to Japan’s foreign policy discourse, offering strategic perspectives on key issues ranging from Japan-China relations to regional security dynamics. Miyake’s expertise is sought after globally, reflected in his frequent appearances in major media outlets and his role as a trusted advisor to government officials and corporations alike. His commitment to fostering dialogue and understanding in an increasingly interconnected world underscores his enduring influence in shaping geopolitical narratives. Fluent in English, Arabic, and Chinese, Miyake is a graduate of Tokyo University (Law), a Visiting Professor at Ritsumeikan University, and serves as the President of the Foreign Policy Institute.   Kiyoshi Kurokawa: Professor Emertus, GHIPP, National Graduate Institute for Policy StudiesHiromi Murakami: Visiting Scholar, GHIPP, National Graduate Institute for Policy StudiesIf you have any questions, please contact GRIPS GHIPP Hiromi Murakami at hi-murakam (at) grips.ac.jpThank you for your interest, and we look forward to having you at our newly launched Glogal Dialogue on Health Security. ご質問や不明な点などありましたら、Global Health Innovation Policy Program 村上までご連絡くださいませ。We use your information for this event series only. Updates tag:peatix.com,2024-05-27 09:12:26 2024-05-27 09:12:26 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#1547960 Updates tag:peatix.com,2024-05-09 03:29:51 2024-05-09 03:29:51 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#1539072 Updates tag:peatix.com,2024-05-09 03:29:17 2024-05-09 03:29:17 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#1539070 Updates tag:peatix.com,2024-05-09 03:28:54 2024-05-09 03:28:54 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#1539068