CITRUS fest: Who Cares? | Peatix,2011:1 2024-07-01T22:03:08+08:00 Peatix CITRUS practices CITRUS fest: Who Cares?,2024:event-3921503 2024-06-28T12:00:00SGT 2024-06-28T12:00:00SGT 🍋What care do we need from ourselves and others? 🍊Can we shape caring in more communal ways? 🥝How do we find joy in the work of care?If you care, you're invited! ✨CITRUS fest: Who Cares?✨ is a three-day 'potluck' festival of communal dinners, workshops and conversations by and for arts workers, and more. Join us at 42 Waterloo Street where we'll be cooking up care practices across Singapore's arts ecosystem. 🍲✨CITRUS fest: Who Cares?✨ welcomes all to bring generosity to the table. What ideas of communal care do you have? What insights and experiences can you share with others? (More physical offerings of snacks are also welcome - the festival pantry is open to all to share and contribute!) 🧀🍙🥟🍹Organised by CITRUS practices in partnership with the National Arts Council's Arts Resource Hub, and part of Wellness Festival Singapore 2024. +++The programmes requiring registration are listed below in order of dates and times. Participants are strongly encouraged to sign up as ARH subscribers to enjoy resources like co-working spaces and ARH Connects programmes. Please subscribe here.(Gatherings) Bring Your PlateOpening Dinner: Come Say Hi!Practice Tuckshop & Chef Priscill Koh28 Jun, Fri / 7.00-10.00 PM / Rear Courtyard Free with registration In the spirit of all CITRUS gatherings, we want to meet old and new friends around tasty and healthy food. To kick off CITRUS fest, we have thus invited special guests Practice Tuckshop & Chef Priscill to cook up a storm for our opening dinner! Inspired by the colours of CITRUS’s logo and the festival’s focus on care and intentionality, Chef Priscill will present a three-course communal dining experience. Her vegetarian dinner spotlights sustainably-grown local produce, and will include a selection of rescued veggie pickles and condiments. Note: The menu contains no pork, lard, beef and alcohol. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies at least 7 days before the event. Halal-certified bento boxes can be made available upon request.Practice TuckshopIG: Koh (she/her) IG: @taitaichefAng Xiao Ting (she/her) Bring Your SocksRehearsing for ‘Better’Adib Kosnan & Chong Gua Khee29 Jun, Sat / 12.30-2.30 PM / Black Box24 spaces available. Free with EOI (expression-of-interest) by 10 Jun.When we are told 'this is just how things are done here' or 'this is how things are', how might we respond? What are some small steps we can take to change our surroundings for the better? In this workshop, Adib Kosnan and Chong Gua Khee adapt a forum theatre script about working conditions in the arts into an intimate discussion and roleplay exercise. Participants will get to try out their own scripts for change, as well as watch and learn from other folks' experiments. By rehearsing together in a safe space, participants will build their own vocabularies for making a difference in our respective contexts, regardless of art form or role! Adib Kosnan (he/him) IG: @adibkosnan Chong Gua Khee (she/her) IG: +++(Conversations) Bring Your QuestionsThe Artist Is Apparent - dialogue on parenting and caregivingFaye Lim & Dr Hoe Su-Fern29 Jun, Sat / 3.00-4.30 PM / Black BoxFree with registration How have we made it work? How have arts workers in Singapore made decisions and created structures of support for parenting in our workplace? This conversation focuses on informal and formal strategies and hacks that have made it more possible for parenting (and caregiving) arts workers to maintain or grow aspects of their practice, including but not limited to creative work, residencies, networking and touring. The dialogue will start with sharings from interviews and research conducted by Faye Lim and arts researcher Hoe Su Fern. Thereafter, invited panellists will kick off a broader conversation with audiences. This dialogue is part of The Artist Is Apparent, a project that welcomes artists, producers and arts workers to consider support structures for parenting/caregiving artists and arts workers in Singapore. It was first conceptualised by a few local parenting artists and is currently run by Faye Lim. Note: Speech-to-text interpretation (by Equal Dreams) and child minding services will be provided for this programme.Faye Lim (she/her) IG: @fayeminlimDr Hoe Su-Fern (she/her)IG: @sfhoe_ +++(Workshops) Bring Your SocksConflict & Communication 101 Teo Xiao Ting 29 Jun, Sat / 5.00-7.00 PM / Black Box[FULL] 10 spaces available. Free with EOI (expression-of-interest) by 7 Jun. What do we need to foster connection through conflict and communication? In this workshop, Teo Xiao Ting will lead participants to explore how they communicate and ways to navigate conflict to facilitate repair. Drawing upon frameworks from CITRUS practices’ Library of Care online resource, as well as principles from embodied nonviolent communication and trauma-informed therapeutic modalities like Internal Family Systems, participants will have the opportunity to understand themselves amidst tension. Through interactive exercises, workshop attendees will engage in paired activities, deepening their understanding of themselves and what they need to feel grounded during conflict.Note: Participants will be sent some reading material before the workshop. In the event of oversubscription, these materials will be shared on CITRUS fest’s website. Teo Xiao Ting (they/she/it) LinkedIn+++(Workshops) Bring Your SocksIntroduction to Intimacy in PerformanceRayann Condy & The Consent Collaborative (Chew Lihong and Prescott Gaylord)29 Jun, Sat / 7.30-9.30 PM / Black Box20 spaces available. Free with EOI (expression-of-interest) by 10 Jun.What kinds of structures and practices help to keep performers physically, emotionally and mentally safe? This joint workshop by accredited Intimacy Coordinator, Rayann Condy, and The Consent Collaborative, will cover the fundamentals of care and intimacy in and around performance. Weaving together theoretical insights and experiential learning, participants will be led through improvisation tasks, embodied exercises and learn to navigate care and consent dynamics. By working in pairs, attendees can try out diverse ways of expression, refining their attunement to and enactment of embodied communication.Rayann Condy (she/her) IG: @rayann_condyrayanncondy.comLinkedInChew Lihong (she/her) and Prescott Gaylord (he/him) are part of The Consent Collaborative.IG: @consent_collaborative_sgArticle+++(Workshops) Bring Your SocksCare as Action in Image-MakingChelsea Chua & Nurul Huda Rashid 30 Jun, Sun / 12.30-2.30pm / Black Box12 spaces available. Free with EOI (expression-of-interest) by 10 Jun.In today’s oculocentric world, how do we actually read a photograph? In this workshop, Chelsea Chua and Nurul Huda Rashid delve into the importance of the photograph as a tool of communication across various media. In the arts, photographs are used and reproduced in marketing and publicity channels in advertisements, media reportage, policy documents and resources in curriculums. On social media, we also see behind-the-scenes images from rehearsal spaces, artist studios and work-in-progress presentations. How can we approach the creation and circulation of such images through a lens of care? Through a discursive process, participants will collectively unpack select case studies and simultaneously create a resource on how to care better in working with images in the arts.Note: Participants of this workshop will have to bring one image of their own. This can be a headshot or one that has been used recently for an artistic work.Chelsea Chua (she/her) IG: @iamchelseachua LinkedInNurul Huda Rashid (she/her) IG: Bring Your Questionsit's not worth talking about?The Backstage Affair30 Jun, Sun / 3.00-4.00 PM / Black BoxFree with registration I’m happiest when someone buys me kopi o kosong peng during early morning calls but the people who do that will never think much of it. It’s just instinctual for them, it’s not something they feel is worth talking about.For CITRUS fest, The Backstage Affair attempts to compile some voices of backstage practitioners as they talk about their ideas of care. Honestly, the thing about our arts industry is that those who really care don’t usually want to be involved in all these gatherings and dialogues. How shall we proceed then? We have no answers, just an invitation to come and sit and find your own nook in the space to listen to all these voices. And then let’s see what happens from there…The Backstage AffairIG: @thebackstageaffair +++(Conversations) Bring Your QuestionsCuriosity Circles Facilitated by Chong Gua Khee30 Jun, Sun / 4.30-6.30 PM / Black BoxFree with registration Is there a particular question you want to ask others, or a topic around care that you’d like to raise and discuss? Or maybe you have a lingering thought from the workshops that you’d like to dive deeper into?  In this session, participants will be supported to form small group discussions around one or more topics of your choice. In previous CITRUS gatherings, people have led somatic exercises, annotation exercises, as well as suggested younger practitioner circles and raised ideas around fight and intimacy choreography collaborations.Chong Gua Khee (she/her)IG: Bring Your PlateBye for Now! Recess Time: CITRUS festPractice Tuckshop featuring the Tuckshop Guniangs30 Jun, Sun / 7.00-10.00 PM / Rear Courtyard Free with registration We want to close CITRUS fest in the same spirit as its opening – with lively and self-reflexive conversation over delicious food prepared in sustainable ways. And so once again, we are very pleased to have Practice Tuckshop to host, in a special edition of their ‘Recess Time’ programme! Combining the art of cooking, making conversations and storytelling into a single encounter, Recess Time by Practice Tuckshop is an "ugly produce" communal dining experience. It is a long-running participatory work that stages a social event, i.e. a meal, as the site for performance and engagement."Makan Masters" go on veggie rescue missions to salvage unwanted or ugly produce, and incorporate them into a menu of their choosing. Recess Time conversations are also documented using an auto-ethnographic approach by a floating interviewer, known as the "Kaypoh" (Busybody) Queen/King and recorded inside the Recess Journal, which also contain messages from past chefs, photos and food-waste friendly recipes.Note: The menu contains no pork, lard, beef and alcohol. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies at least 7 days before the event. Halal-certified bento boxes can be made available upon request.Practice Tuckshop IG:❗Things to note❗💞As the team behind CITRUS fest, we want to make sure everyone (including the participating arts workers and us!) has a generative and safe experience, so here is a summary of what we are committing to and ask of you as an audience, participant and visitor at the festival!General 📝CITRUS fest: Who Cares? is co-presented by the Arts Resource Hub. Participants are strongly encouraged to sign up as ARH subscribers to enjoy resources like co-working spaces and ARH Connects programmes. Please subscribe here.  👋We welcome and encourage PwDs (persons with disabilities) to attend and participate in CITRUS fest. If you require access service(s) such as Speech-to-Text Interpretation to enable your participation, please inform us when registering on Peatix or write to us at by 17 June 2024 (Monday). 🗺️The rooms and spaces on the ground floor are wheelchair accessible but not the Black Box on level 2. All programmes are free and will be conducted in English. Other audiences might draw on other languages though, do offer/help to translate as needs be! ✅The information on this site is correct at the time of publication and is subject to change. Learning space and good-faith engagement: 🍄We see the various offerings and people involved in this festival as ongoing works-in-progress, not definitive assertions that XYZ is the only ‘right’ way to care or that person A is the final authority on XYZ.  🧑‍🏫We see you, our participant at the festival, as works-in-progress too.  😥If anyone at the festival – facilitator, staff or fellow participant – asks you to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable OR says/does something that makes you feel unsafe, we hope you are able to take ownership of your safety and wellbeing in a way that supports learning for the person! This might look like one or more of the following and/or something else altogether. (: 🤔Counterproposing alternatives to the request; 🚽Calling your own timeout, e.g. going to the washroom, grabbing a snack at the festival pantry; 🗣️Speaking to the person separately, e.g. after the session; and 💌Speaking to someone in the CITRUS fest team separately or emailing us at to ask for support in addressing the situation and/or person(s) involved. Bring Your Plate - Opening & Closing Dinners 🥗We will endeavour to cater to different diets. If you have a specific dietary preference or requirement, please inform us when registering on Peatix. 🍴DO bring your reusable cutlery, tableware will be provided on our end. (: Bring Your Socks - Workshops  🙌There are no prerequisites to participate, and we want to gather a broad group of arts workers from different disciplines, backgrounds and interests to respond to the workshops’ content and discussion.  📨Upon receiving your registration on Peatix, we will email you to confirm your participation and relay any notes/materials from the workshop facilitators. Documentation Policy 🚫For people to feel safe(r) sharing their thoughts, we ask for NO videography of anyone speaking.  😷Should you want to reshare what someone else said in a workshop or panel, please do not include details that would identify who they are and/or the people or organisations they are referring to. 🎀For adults and children who do not want to be photographed or videoed, we will prepare colourful lanyards. If you are taking any photos or videos, please check for these lanyards first!   🙅For children’s privacy in particular, we also ask that you do not take any frontal photos regardless of whether they are wearing a lanyard or not. 💞Care and well-being is a collective effort, so thank you for contributing to making everyone’s experience at CITRUS fest a zesty and refreshing one! We also welcome feedback throughout and after the festival! +++CITRUS practices stands for Care, Intimacy, TRaUma-informed and Safer practices in the arts. We are a gathering of arts workers who first came together in 2020. We seek to infuse zest into enabling greater sustainability in the arts. By engaging with people and organisations – within and beyond the arts – we connect and expand conversations around the structures and conditions of working in the arts today. Our shared horizon is for the arts to deeply care for, refresh and nourish both arts workers and audiences alike.citruspractices.sgIG: @citrus.practicesE: Updates,2024-06-22 00:58:36 2024-06-22 00:58:36 The event description was updated. Diff#1560974 Updates,2024-06-13 06:23:56 2024-06-13 06:23:56 The event description was updated. Diff#1556621 Updates,2024-06-10 04:15:09 2024-06-10 04:15:09 The event description was updated. Diff#1554814 Updates,2024-06-07 14:33:00 2024-06-07 14:33:00 The event description was updated. Diff#1554010 Updates,2024-05-25 10:19:57 2024-05-25 10:19:57 The event description was updated. Diff#1547225 Updates,2024-05-23 11:37:40 2024-05-23 11:37:40 The event description was updated. Diff#1546267 Updates,2024-05-23 11:35:00 2024-05-23 11:35:00 The event description was updated. Diff#1546265 Updates,2024-05-21 03:16:05 2024-05-21 03:16:05 The event description was updated. Diff#1544860 Updates,2024-05-21 02:40:13 2024-05-21 02:40:13 The event description was updated. Diff#1544807