SPOT Alumni Gathering Vol.4 "'Facilitating conflicts in meetings" featuring Janice Lua(FNS) June 21st | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T10:37:40+09:00 Peatix Hideyuki Yoshioka SPOT Alumni Gathering Vol.4 "'Facilitating conflicts in meetings" featuring Janice Lua(FNS) June 21st,2018:event-391878 2018-06-21T19:00:00JST 2018-06-21T19:00:00JST 2018年6月21日に、FNSのファシリテーター、Janice Lua氏を迎えて、グローバルファシリテーション・ワークショップの卒業生を集めたAlumni Sessionの第4回を開催いたします! 2016年より開始したグローバルファシリテーション・ワークショップ "SPOT on Facilitation"ですが、既に開催回数は6回におよび、過去に参加された卒業生は70名を超えます。本ワークショップでは、卒業生同士のネットワーキングを促進するとともに、今後も継続的に「英語でのファシリテーション」の学びの機会を提供したいと考え、卒業生に対して定期的なAlumni Session を開催しています。今回のテーマは、対立をどのようにファシリテーションするか?です。今回は、6月22-23日に開催するSPOTlight on Facilitation 第6回の開催に際して日本に来日する、FNS(Facilitators Network Singapore)のファウンダー、Janice Lua氏をプレゼンターに迎えて、対立マネジメントについて本格的に学ぶワークショップを実施します。 以下の要領で開催しますので、ぜひご参加いただければと思います。※本イベントは、SPOT Alumni(過去にグローバルファシリテーション・ワークショップ "SPOT on Facilitation"に参加された方)を対象にしています。SPOT Alumniからご紹介いただいたビジターの方の参加はご参加可能です。チケット購入の際に、紹介者のSPOT Alumnのお名前をご入力ください。 Agenda19:00~19:20 Check in(Ice breaking) 19:20~21:00 Workshop "Facilitating conflicts in meetings" 21:00~22:00 Networking party at the venueDear SPOT AlumniThanks to your eager participation, the SPOT past attendees are now more than 70 over the past two years. We would like to foster this community as your continuous learning and career development network. We plan to organize next time SPOT Alumni Gathering as below.This time we invite Janice Lua, FNS(Facilitators Network Singapore) as a presenter. It would be a great chance to explore our facilitation journey more deeply.Topic is "Facilitating conflicts in meetings". It's one of top issues for facilitators. We hope to see you on June 21st..*Registration of this event is restricted to past attendees or visitors directly introduced by past attendees.===SPOT Alumni Gathering Vol.4 ====================== -Date: Thursday 21st  June 19:00-21:00 -Venue: Accea Hanzomon Meeting Room 4 2-13 hayabusa-Cho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Agenda19:00~19:20 Check in(Ice breaking)19:20~21:00 Workshop "Facilitating conflicts in meetings"21:00~22:00 Networking party at the venueFacilitatorJanice Lua  Co-founder of Facilitators Network Singapore (FNS) Janice Lua has a MSc (UK) in Technology Management and a MBA (Australia) in Entrepreneurial Management with more than 10 years experience facilitating organisation-wide change management, business process re-engineering, team building, creativity & innovation & strategic planning. She has facilitated regionally on social issues using methods such as The World Café, Open Space Technology and Future Search processes. She is a Senior National Business Excellence Assessor, Certified Management Consultant, Qualified StrengthsDeployment Inventory® Facilitator, PMI certified Project Management Professional, IAF Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF), an INIFAC Certified Master Facilitator (CMF) and CMF Assessor, and licensed Dynamic Facilitation Instructor. She co-founded the Facilitators Network in 2004 to upscale the competencies of facilitators in Singapore and the region. She co-authored SPOT on Facilitation.