パレスチナ連帯 緊急上映会&トーク『山谷 やられたらやりかえせ」 | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2024-05-12T22:01:20+09:00 Peatix mokia4649 パレスチナ連帯 緊急上映会&トーク『山谷 やられたらやりかえせ」 tag:peatix.com,2024:event-3903275 2024-04-12T19:00:00JST 2024-04-12T19:00:00JST パレスチナ連帯緊急上映会&トークPalestine Solidarity Screening and Talk(Scroll down for English)映画「山谷 やられたらやりかえせ」監督:佐藤満夫・山岡強一 1985年/ドキュメンタリー/16mm/カラー/1時間50分/☆今回はDVD上映となります。2024年4月12日(金)19:00~映画「山谷 やられたらやりかえせ」上映 (英語字幕付き)21:00~トーク登壇者:ハニン・シアム(ガザ出身、活動家)、皆本夏樹(<パレスチナ>を生きる人々を想う学生若者有志の会)司会&通訳:増渕愛子(映画上映者・プロデューサー)上映場所:「アレイホール」 東京都世田谷区北沢2-24-8 下北沢アレイビル3階(会場には性別指定のないトイレが1つございます。)共催: 「山谷」制作上映委員会、下北沢アレイホール映画「山谷 やられたらやりかえせ」については詳しくはこちらのリンクから:http://www.sanyafilm.jpn.org/上映後21:00から〈トーク〉アメリカ政府の支援と日本政府の加担のもと、イスラエルがパレスチナで虐殺と占領を続けています。これに抵抗するため、精力的に活動している在日パレスチナ人ら若者たちによるトークを行ないます。日英通訳付き。世代をまたぐ形で日本におけるパレスチナ連帯運動について語り合い、知り合える場にしたいと思います。グラウンドルール:人種、ジェンダー、セクシュアリティ、障害の有無などに基づく差別・ヘイトは禁止です。様々な背景を持ったひとが安心して集まれるように心がけましょう。相手の見た目で、性別や話す言語を決めつけないようにしましょう。チケット:一般1000円、学生500円、支払いが負担な人はお問い合わせまでご連絡ください。支払いは当日現金で。予約を強くおすすめします。情報保障:映画は日本語(日本語字幕なし)英語字幕付きの上映となります。上映後トークはUDトークの用意をします。会場にはエレベーターがございます。会場には車椅子の方のスペースもあります。お問い合わせ:komi-ko3@jc.ejnet.ne.jp(小見)/TEL 090-3530-6113(小見)eye.child@proton.me(あいこ)チラシデザイン:Zac 協力: Normal Screen============YAMA -ATTACK TO ATTACK-Dir. Mitsuo Sato, Kyoichi Yamaoka1985/Documentary/16mm/Color/Color/1hr 50minScreening on DVD with English subtitles.Friday, April 12, 20247PM - Screening of YAMA - ATTACK TO ATTACK (screening with English subtitles)9PM TalkSpeakers: Hanin Siam (activist born in Gaza), Natsuki Minamoto (Students and Youths for Palestine)The talk will have Japanese and English interpretation.Moderator and Interpreter: Aiko Masubuchi (Film programmer, producer)Location:  ALLEY HALL 2-24-8 3FL, Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo (There is one non-gender designated restroom.)About the film, YAMA - ATTACK TO ATTACKThis extraordinary documentary is an unflinching record of the workers’ struggle that took place primarily in the Sanya district in the east side of Tokyo in the 1980s. Conceived of as a weapon in the struggle, YAMA exposed the role of the yakuza, the Japanese elite, and corporations in the violent exploitation of the labor class amidst the construction boom of the time. Issues around labor rights, class discrimination, corruption, foreign workers’ rights, police violence, and the stench of fascism all rear their ugly heads in this powerful chronicle. The film was completed by a collective of directors, headed by Kyoichi Yamaoka, who banded together after the fatal stabbing of the original director, Mitsuo Sato, on December 22, 1984. Yamaoka too was murdered soon after its completion.Still as relevant as ever, YAMA is a record of postwar Japanese history that sheds light on the dark underbelly of labor and power relations under capitalism. The film has continued to screen ever since its release, with the intention that it will be screened until it no longer has relevance in this world. It is in line with the tradition of this screening activism to invite activists from different fields under the understanding that all oppression is connected.9PM DISCUSSIONMany young activists including Palestinians in Japan have been central to the movement to oppose the current genocide and occupation of Palestinians by Israel with the support of the US and complicity of the Japanese government. We will be inviting Palestinians and youth in Japan to speak about on-going actions from their perspective. There will be Japanese-English interpretation. We would like to create a space together for inter-generational knowledge-sharing on solidarity movements with Palestine in Japan.Ground Rules:All forms of discrimination and hate are strictly prohibited.Let’s create a safe space together for people of many backgrounds to gather.Do not make assumptions about people’s affiliations and backgrounds based on appearances.Tickets: 1000 yen regular admission, 500 yen for students. Please feel free to contact Aiko if the cost is prohibitive for you.We highly recommend that you reserve your ticket on this site as seating is limited. Please pay in cash at the screening.Accessibility Information:We will use UD Talk during the discussion.There is an elevator to access the space and room for wheelchair users.Contact Information:For any questions, please reach out to the email below:eye.child@proton.me(Aiko) Flyer design: Zac With help from Normal Screen.