Monologue Masterclass: Powerful Acting (5 Evenings | 5th April - 3rd May) | Peatix,2011:1 2024-04-08T10:20:55+09:00 Peatix ELFS Admin Monologue Masterclass: Powerful Acting (5 Evenings | 5th April - 3rd May),2024:event-3887349 2024-04-05T19:00:00JST 2024-04-05T19:00:00JST English text follows after Japanese日本人は世界を舞台にする時代が今。そのためにどういう演技方法というよりもどういう「あり方」が必要か。俳優の「カラダ」とその「声」を自由にできれば俳優としての自己表現が世界に届く。このSAFEの演技アプローチに出会えばきっと自分の芸術家人生も変わります。このコースの元となるSAFEとは? プロ俳優の基本を表す言葉とその意味Self-expressed ➡︎ 自己表現が出来ているAuthentic ➡︎ 自分にしかない 、「真正」、何かが偽物や複製されたものでないことを意味するFree ➡︎ 制限無し、無限大の可能性を抱く、心配無用の存在Energized ➡︎ 健康で、エネルギーが溢れる自分 佐々木雅成 講師プロフィール 静岡県出身、米国のハリウッドで俳優デビュー。2003年デラウェア大学学院の演劇トレーニングプログラムを卒業後帰国し、鈴木忠志の劇団(当時SPAC)に所属。現在はフリーの俳優・映画監督・舞台芸術家活動中。30年の経歴を重ねて、エティエンヌ・ドゥクルー、ロイ・ハート、リンクレッターなどの俳優の体と声トレイニングや演技メソッドの影響を受けて独自のシステムを創造In this 5 evening intensive course you will move your body and use your voice in very simple but challenging and focused exercises to learn the principles that constitute the SAFE method and the powerful skill of “teaching oneself ”. By the end of the course you will have a clear grasp of your true potential and a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating the obstacles in the way of your creative freedom and your best performance.This is a revised curriculum based on the original course (Voice and Movement). Acting powerfully was created using feedback from our students as well as insights acquired during previous iterations of the course. This is a great opportunity for previous students to reinforce what they learned and apply it; and for new participants to benefit from this highly successful process.The course utilizes principles and exercises of the SAFE method. An original system developed by Masanari Sasaki to allow the actor (and any artist or creative human being) to become: Self-expressed Authentic Free Energized Course Schedule Day one: Fundamentals of the extraordinary body as applied to a specific text. Day two: Fundamentals of the extraordinary voice as applied to a specific text. Day three: Presence during the speaking of a monologue. Day four: The character within the context of a play, a scene or a speech. Day five: Performance. All participants will perform a monologue or a dialogue. Proposed Curriculum All five days of the course include a small warm up routine as well as practical exercises that will challenge the actor physically and mentally. At the end of the course the actor will have a new relationship to their body, voice and text that will empower them and open them up to new possibilities as artists. About the Instructor Masanari Sasaki is from Shizuoka, Japan. He grew up and received his education in the United States. He is a graduate of the PTTP at the University of Delaware where he received his MFA in theatre.During his training he studied and worked with internationally renowned directors and coaches (Jewel Walker, Adrian Hall, Tadashi Suzuki, Heinz Uwe-Haus, The Roy Heart Theatre) in a variety of styles focusing mostly on classical plays.Some notable influences in his teaching and coaching method are the exercises and directing style of Tadashi Suzuki, whose company he joined right after graduating upon his return to Japan.Also the approach to movement from the corporeal mime of Etienne Decroux and the possibility of the human voice as explored by Kristin Linklater and The Roy Hart Theatre.