Secondary: The Musical NQA Tickets | Peatix,2011:1 2024-05-28T17:03:26+08:00 Peatix Checkpoint Theatre Secondary: The Musical NQA Tickets,2024:event-3865685 2024-04-19T20:00:00SGT 2024-04-19T20:00:00SGT What is Checkpoint Theatre’s NQA Ticket Scheme?We are committed to championing and sharing original Singapore stories with as many theatre-lovers as possible. Checkpoint Theatre’s No Questions Asked (NQA) Ticket Scheme is our brand new initiative offering complimentary tickets to audiences in need, based on an honour system. This means that we trust you to act with integrity and help us ensure that NQA tickets get to theatre-lovers who genuinely can’t afford a ticket.NQA tickets are available for Secondary: The Musical, until Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 12 PM. Who can book an NQA ticket?Anyone without the means to buy a ticket can book an NQA ticket, no questions asked.There is a very limited number of NQA tickets. Please understand that each person may book only one NQA ticket. Anyone who books multiple tickets will have their booking automatically cancelled, and their eligibility for NQA tickets revoked.NQA tickets are issued on a first-come-first-served basis. Please book your NQA ticket early!In keeping with the spirit of the NQA initiative, please consider if other audience members may benefit more from the complimentary ticket. If you can afford to do so, please purchase a ticket instead. There are various discount tiers detailed on the event listing, should you need them for your purchase.  How do I book an NQA ticket?You will need to log into or register for a Peatix account.Select the show that you would like to attend. NQA tickets are available for the following shows of Secondary: The Musical: Tuesday 23 April 2024, 8PM Wednesday 24 April 2024, 8PM Thursday 25 April 2024, 8PM You will need to inform us of the following: Your name (as it appears on your NRIC or other photo ID) Your email address Your contact number You will receive an email confirmation with details of how to collect your NQA ticket.Please arrive at Victoria Theatre no later than 30 minutes before your show begins to collect a physical ticket from our Front-of-House team. You must produce a photo ID for us to verify your identity.Seats will be assigned at Checkpoint Theatre’s discretion to NQA ticket holders. If you have any accessibility requirements that would affect your seating, please email us at happens if I have booked an NQA ticket, but am unable to make the show?If you are unable to attend the show you’ve booked, please cancel your ticket order on Peatix immediately. This will allow other audience members to benefit from the NQA ticket initiative.In the event of an emergency (i.e. if you have to cancel your ticket within 48 hours of your show because you are ill or for other unforeseen circumstances), then in addition to cancelling your Peatix order, please contact us via email at Please inform us whether you will release your NQA ticket or transfer it to another patron. Transfer of NQA tickets is allowed ONLY in the event of an emergency cancellation. Please email us with the subject title: Transfer of NQA Ticket [Date of Show]. In your email, provide the following details: Your name as entered in your Peatix form submission Name of the person (per their photo ID) you are transferring your ticket to Their email address Their contact number Please note that our Front-of-House team will check the booking on the NQA ticket against ticket holders’ photo IDs. If you do not provide a valid photo ID that matches the name on the booking, we will unfortunately be unable to allow you into the theatre.If you miss the show you have booked without cancelling your ticket, your eligibility for NQA tickets will be revoked.This sounds great! How can I help to support the NQA scheme and other similar initiatives?Initiatives like our NQA ticket scheme are made possible through the generosity of our supporters and donors who we call our Checkpoint Champions. If you would like to donate to the NQA programme or any of our other initiatives to bring original Singapore stories to a wider audience, please visit our Donate page for more information.