SAKURA人力車×絶景朝食 SAKURA Rickshaw & Spectacular Breakfast | Peatix,2011:1 2024-04-23T09:54:52+09:00 Peatix Prince Hotel Takanawa Area SAKURA人力車×絶景朝食 SAKURA Rickshaw & Spectacular Breakfast,2024:event-3846164 2024-03-23T07:20:00JST 2024-03-23T07:20:00JST 【高輪 桜まつり2024】SAKURA人力車×絶景朝食SAKURA Rickshaw & Spectacular Breakfastプリンスホテル高輪エリアの桜を特等席で存分に楽しむ絶景朝食。人力車で巡るお花見ツアーの後は、手に届きそうなほどの桜を前に桟敷席での和朝食を。1日の始まりにこの時期だけのとびきり優雅なひとときをご堪能ください。Take a rickshaw ride around the hotel for a cherry blossom viewing experience while feeling the spring sunshine. After the tour, enjoy a breakfast with a spectacular view at a special seat surrounded by cherry blossoms that are almost within reach of your hands.〈開催日 Date〉2024/3/23(Sat.), 24(Sun.)〈ご予約時間 Reservation Time〉※所要時間約90分 (about 90 minutes)①7:20A.M.②7:40A.M.③8:00A.M.④8:20A.M.〈受 付 Reception〉グランドプリンスホテル新高輪Grand Prince Hotel Shin Takanawa※詳細の受付場所は後日Peatixメッセージより配信いたします。*Details of the reception location will be sent out via Peatix message at a later date.〈内 容 Details〉<体験① Experience①>人力車でのお花見(約15分間)17種約210本の桜が咲き誇る高輪エリアの日本庭園からホテル敷地内を、人力車で廻っていただきます。100年以上の歴史を持つ旧宮家の邸宅「貴賓館」の前では記念撮影も。朝日にきらめく特別なお花見をごゆっくりお楽しみください。Cherry blossom viewing by rickshaw (About 15 minutes)A rickshaw will take you around the hotel grounds from the Japanese garden in the Takanawa area, where approximately 210 cherry trees of 17 varieties are in full bloom.You can also take a commemorative photo in front of the Kihinkan, the former residence of the imperial family, which has a history of over 100 years.Please take your time to enjoy this special hanami experience sparkling in the morning sun.<体験② Experience②>桟敷席の絶景朝食(60分制)人力車でのお花見の後は、手に届きそうなほどの桜に囲まれた桟敷席で朝食を。南魚沼産のこしひかりをふっくら炊き上げたご飯や旬の食材を使用した小鉢など、ホテルこだわりの和食をご堪能いただけます。ご予約いただいたお客さまだけが楽しめる、絶景体験をお届けいたします。Spectacular Breakfast at Open Terrace (60 minutes)After viewing cherry blossoms on a rickshaw, enjoy breakfast on a open terrace surrounded by cherry blossoms that are almost within reach.Enjoy the hotel's special Japanese dishes, such as rice made from fluffy rice cooked with Niigata's Koshihikari rice and small bowls of seasonal ingredients.Only guests who have made reservations can enjoy this spectacular experience.〈料 金 Fee〉1名さま¥13,440(消費税・サービス料込)¥13,440 per person(Tax and service charge are included)※お支払いは当日現地にて承ります。*Payment will be accepted on the day.〈ご予約人数 Number of Person〉1組2名さままで (2 people per group)※人力車の定員はおとな2名さまです。ただし、4才未満のお子さまは2名さままで無料でご同伴いただけます(おとなの膝の上でのご乗車となります)。※桟敷席での絶景朝食は4名さままでお召しあがりいただけます。 ご希望のお客さまは、ご予約ページの「ご朝食ご利用人数」へご利用希望人数をご入力ください。*The rickshaw is limited to two adults. However, up to 2 children under 4 years old may ride with you free of charge (on the lap of an adult).*Up to 4 persons can enjoy the Spectacular Breakfast at Open Terrace.  If you wish to this, please enter the number of people you wish to have breakfast for in the "Number of Breakfast Guests" box on the reservation page.■■■必ずお読みください Notice■■■※ご予約入力の際、「チケット選択」画面では人数に関わらず「1」とご入力ください。 (その後のお客さま情報入力画面において人数をご入力ください)※本イベントは、キャンセル日程により以下のキャンセル料を申し受けます。 7日前~2日前:20% 前日:50% 当日・ご連絡なし:100%※キャンセルご希望の場合は、画面下部「主催者に連絡」より、キャンセルの旨をお知らせください。※食物アレルギーの対応につきましては、食品表示法により製造会社等(当社の食材仕入先)に表示義務のある特定原材料7品目 (えび・かに・小麦・そば・卵・乳・落花生)のみとさせていただきます。※当店ではすべての飲食物を同一環境で取り扱うため、使用原材料以外のアレルゲンの微量混入を完全に防止する事ができません。※食物アレルギー対応ポリシーはこちらをご確認ください。※各ご予約枠は1組限定です。※雨天時の絶景朝食は「鉄板焼 桂」店内にてご提供いたします。人力車体験は雨天決行となります(荒天時を除く)。※画像・写真はイメージです。*When entering your reservation, please enter "1" on the "Choose Tickets" screen, regardless of the number of people in your party.(Please enter the number of people on the "Customer Information" screen afterwards.)*The following cancellation fees will apply for this event depending on the cancellation date. 7 to 2 days prior to the event: 20%. The day before: 50%. On the day of the event or without notice: 100%.*If you wish to cancel, please inform us of your cancellation by clicking the "Contact" link at the bottom of the screen.*Accommodations regarding food allergies at our restaurants, banquet facilities, etc. shall cover only the seven specific raw materials (shrimp, crab, wheat, buckwheat, egg, dairy, peanuts) that manufacturing companies, etc. (our food suppliers) have an obligation to label under the Food Labeling Act. Guests who wish for accommodations regarding any of these seven specific raw materials are asked to make a request in advance.*All food is prepared in a shared kitchen, thus it is possible to have trace elements of allergens in the dishes served.  More details of Food allergy response policy*Each reservation is limited to one couple.*In case of rain, Spectacular breakfast will be served at "Teppanyaki KATSURA". The rickshaw ride will be held rain or shine (except in case of stormy weather).*Images are for illustrative purposes only.<高輪 桜まつり2024 詳細はこちら><More details of TAKANAWA SAKURA MATSURI 2024>