Masterclass by Professor Nongbu Qilin (Mongolian Chopstick Dance) | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T09:36:49+08:00 Peatix Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre Masterclass by Professor Nongbu Qilin (Mongolian Chopstick Dance),2018:event-378451 2018-05-27T11:00:00SGT 2018-05-27T11:00:00SGT 为配合《一起舞FUN天》, 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场特别邀请云南艺术学院硕士生导师、副教授、附属艺术学校农布七林校长,引领你进入蒙古族筷子舞的世界,感受它独特的艺术魅力!此次"舞蹈大师班"将定于2018年5月27日(星期天),早上11时至下午2时,在新加坡福建会馆礼堂进行。欢迎15岁或以上,有蒙古族舞蹈基础的华族舞爱好者踊跃报名。大师班名额有限,需提前报名。报名截止2018年5月20日。欲知更多详情,请电邮至或拨打6589 9501联络我们!As part of “Chinese Dance Fiesta 2018”, Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre, will be conducting a “Mongolian Dance Masterclass” on 27 May 2018 (Sunday), 11am - 2pm, at Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan multi-purpose hall.Conducted by Associate Professor Nongbu Qilin, Head of Yunnan Arts University Affiliated Art School, the aim of this workshop is to provide participants with a greater insight and deeper understanding and appreciation towards the Mongolian chopstick dance. The workshop will be conducted in Mandarin, and a selection is required.We warmly welcome dancers aged 15 and above, and with at least basic Mongolian dance exposure, to sign up for this workshop. Pre-registration required for interested parties by 20 May 2018. We look forward to your enthusiastic participation and support. Should you have any queries, kindly email to or call 6589 9501. Updates,2018-05-04 12:13:55 2018-05-04 12:13:55 The event description was updated. Diff#335129 Updates,2018-05-04 12:09:38 2018-05-04 12:09:38 The event description was updated. Diff#335128