Chinese Vernacular Shrines in Singapore 新加坡华人神龛文化 | Peatix,2011:1 2023-09-04T12:33:23+08:00 Peatix SCCC Exhibitions Chinese Vernacular Shrines in Singapore 新加坡华人神龛文化,2023:event-3641725 2023-08-05T10:00:00SGT 2023-08-05T10:00:00SGT Embark on a captivating cultural journey of discovery into the enchanting realm of Chinese vernacular shrine culture in Singapore through this symposium. Prepare to be mesmerised by the blend of belief systems and multi-cultural practices, where popular Chinese gods and goddesses coexist with Hindu deities, Datuk Gong, and Nang Kwak. Explore the captivating stories, myths, and rituals that make these shrines an integral part of Singapore's rich cultural heritage.通过本次分享会,你将开启一趟新加坡华人神龛文化的探索之旅。在这些神龛内,华人信奉的神明与兴都教神祗、拿督公与南卦等诸神和睦共处,信仰的融合以及多元文化的习俗绝对令你目不暇给。每个神龛的背后,是精彩丰富的神话故事、民间传说与宗教仪式,是新加坡文化遗产的重要组成部分。Speakers 主讲人:Associate Professor Francis Lim Nanyang Technological University林克宜副教授南洋理工大学Professor Kuah Khun EngJinan University柯群英教授暨南大学Dr Lin Chia TsunSun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall林佳淳博士晚晴园—孙中山南洋纪念馆This talk will be conducted in English.本次讲座将以英语进行。If would like to watch the talk online, please register via the link below:欲观看免费线上直播,请点击以下链接报名: enquiries, please email若有任何疑问,请发电邮至