Reiki Healing Group | Peatix,2011:1 2021-08-12T09:10:12+08:00 Peatix ReDefine Wellness Reiki Healing Group,2018:event-363696 2018-04-17T19:30:00SGT 2018-04-17T19:30:00SGT Reiki Healing Group is a delightful time to decompress, heal and experience Reiki in your own hands. This session is open to Reiki practitioners and complete beginners.Those new to Reiki are welcome to attend as we offer a Heart attunement to anyone wanting to experience the Reiki flowing through their own hands. This is an experiential session with minimal talking, so please be prepared to go with the flow! The group Reiki healing involves small groups of 3-4 sharing Reiki with one another for a deeper healing and relaxing experience. For beginners this is an interesting experience as often people can feel the Reiki energy sensations as they place their hands on others. It is a good way to feel confident that you can easily learn Reiki for yourself.For practitioners - its a great way to reconnect. We have a strong community of Reiki practitioners and we welcome students from other traditions or lineages. We share Reiki with everyone taking turns to both give and receive group treatments, we also have time for sharing experiences and asking questions about Reiki and our practice.There's a $10 donation to cover costs.For more details and information please check out our facebook page at