【満員御礼】Bilingual & English "Rakugo " at a traditional Japanese house! 英語落語・築90年の古民家より〜琉水亭はなび〜 | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2023-07-02T19:54:57+09:00 Peatix ろじこや 【満員御礼】Bilingual & English "Rakugo " at a traditional Japanese house! 英語落語・築90年の古民家より〜琉水亭はなび〜 tag:peatix.com,2023:event-3577129 2023-06-25T14:30:00JST 2023-06-25T14:30:00JST \古民家rojicoyaで初の/バイリンガル・英語落語開催します!Bilingual & English RakugoFirst time to be held at rojicoya, a traditional Japanese house!******************summary日時:2023年6月25日(日)開場14:40 開演15時から1時間程度会場 路地裏寺子屋rojicoya住所 東京都足立区千住旭町36-1チケット 3000円(お茶・お茶菓子付き)定員:20名程度Date: Sunday, June 25, 202315:00-16:00(Reception 14:40-)Place: rojicoya cafe36-1 Senju Asahi-cho, Adachi, Tokyo: 3miniutes walk from Kitasenju StationAdmission: 3000 yen per ticket (with sweets and Japanese tea) Capacity: 20 people at rojicoya cafe******************日本の伝統芸能の中でも特殊な 笑いの世界「落語」間・仕草・表情…すべてを一人で演じるその伝統芸、 英語でどうやって伝えるのか…?Rakugo, a traditional Japanese art form and a form of comedyHow do you communicate the traditional art of Rakugo in English, where one person performs all the pauses, gestures, and facial expressions?この度、英語と日本語を交え日本人も外国人も共に大笑いそんな時間を共有できるバイリンガル落語とオールイングリッシュだけれども言葉の壁を超え大盛り上がりとなる演目を選んだ英語落語をお届けします!Bilingual  Rakugo and Japanese, both Japanese and foreigners can share a good laugh together!Bilingual Rakugo and English RakugoWe have selected English Rakugo performances that are all in English, but that transcend language barriers and bring you a lot of fun!We are pleased to present you a performance of English Rakugo!しかも!お越し頂くのはGoogle PixelのCMにも起用された琉水亭はなびさん!https://youtu.be/YlFXeHFUnBU2020東京オリンピック国際交流・ 横浜国際フェスティバルやさまざまな場所で世界と日本の架け橋と して引っ張りだこ。Moreover! The guest of honor will beRyusuitei Hanabi, who was featured in a Google Pixel commercial!She has been called as a bridge between the world and Japan at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics International Exchange and Yokohama International Festival and various other places!英語力×持ち前のコミュニケーション力×落語を通して、 世界中の人々に笑顔を届けている彼女のバイタリティをお見逃しな く!Don't miss her vitality as she brings smiles to people around the world through her English ability x her natural communication skills x Rakugo!**************●落語とは面白い話や人情に訴える話を、座って1人で演じる日本の伝統芸能 が落語です。 演者は通常、 扇子と手ぬぐいのほかは何も持たずに、 身振りと話だけでいろいろな役柄を演じ分ける、奥深い世界ですWhat is Rakugo?Rakugo is a traditional Japanese art form in which a performer sits down to tell an amusing or humorous story by himself or herself. The performer usually holds nothing but a fan and a tenugui (hand towel), and performs a variety of roles using only body language and storytelling.●英語落語おすすめの方々・訪日・在日の日本の文化に興味のある外国国籍の方・海外の友だちに日本の笑いを体験して欲しい方・多言語で国際交流をしたい方などなど、国内外どちらの方もおすすめです!!People recommended for English RakugoForeign nationals visiting or living in Japan who are interested in Japanese culture.Those who want their friends to experience Japanese laughter.Those who would like to have an international exchange in multiple languages.etc. Both domestic and international people are recommended!●演者プロフィール琉水亭はなびニューヨークやサンフランシスコにてラジオのレギュラー番組を担 当。日本ではZIP-FM・Shibuya-FMなどで多数のレギュ ラー番組を担当。一万人規模の音楽フェス・東京都主催のイベントMCやテレビリポ ーターも務める。現在は、港区観光大使を務め、Google PixelのCMにも起用される。2020東京オリンピック国際交流・ 横浜国際フェスティバルや文化施設・商業施設(東京タワー等)様々な場所で英語落語の高座を行う。日本の伝統芸能でもある落語 を通して、世界中の人々に笑顔を届けたいと精力的に活動中。 Ryusuitei HanabiRyusuitei Hanabi is a professional Rakugo performer. She performed at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Pre-Events, Yokohama International Festival, and many other prestigious events in Japan and abroad. Rakugo is a Japanese art of monologue and comical storytelling. Hanabi brings the art to international audiences by transforming it into a multi-language monologue. Preserving the essence of Rakugo tradition, she adds a sense of modern humanity and universal empathy, touching the heart of young and old, Japanese and non-Japanese.She is a multi-talented performer, engaged in various entertainment areas, including radio DJ,  MC, TV reporter, and magazine writer. Recently, she was featured in a Google Pixel commercial in Japan. She was also selected as Tokyo Minato City Tourism Ambassador.Website: https://hanabijapan. comrojicoyaYou will have the experience in a 90-year-old historic traditional Japanese house.Rojicoya is a group of professional performing artists, many young, including the national champions, in traditional Japanese performing arts, music, and dance. With a vast network of top-class Japanese artists and performers, Rojicoya arranges many live performances, workshop programs, and events in Tokyo and beyond. Authentic Japanese cultural experience is here. Updates tag:peatix.com,2023-06-24 15:26:05 2023-06-24 15:26:05 タイトル は 【満員御礼】Bilingual & English "Rakugo " at a traditional Japanese house! 英語落語・築90年の古民家より〜琉水亭はなび〜 に変更されました。 Orig#1385506