Columbia University alumni event April 18 CUAAJ Relay Seminar | Peatix,2011:1 2023-05-18T21:04:39+09:00 Peatix Hajime Kosai Columbia University alumni event April 18 CUAAJ Relay Seminar,2023:event-3546268 2023-04-18T19:00:00JST 2023-04-18T19:00:00JST CUAAJ/CBSCJ Relay Seminar  April 18, 2023  CBSCJ Chairman Mr. Koji Ikeya (CBS 88) will talk about “Mitsubishi Motors Corporation / Corporate Restructuring Efforts-A Case Study on the Revival of a Japanese Company-”CUAAJ/CBSCJリレーセミナー池谷様(CBS 88)『三菱自動車工業/企業改革の取組み - 日本企業再生に向けたケーススタディ - 」 Mr. Koji IkeyaMitsubishi Motors CorporationExecutive Vice President CFOEvent Summaryイベント概要日時:4月18日(火)19:00〜21:00(18:30開場 ~ Welcome drink)開催場所:学士会館講演者:池谷 光司様 (BUS 88)備考:ハイブリッド開催(対面+リモート)今回CUAAJ/CBSCJの共催となります。講演は日本語による開催です。価格:(軽食・ドリンク含む)\6,000:CUAAJ会員あるいはCBSCJ会員の方¥7,000:上記以外無料:Zoom による参加RSVP: https://cuaajrelay20230418.peatix.comEvent SummaryDate and time: Tuesday, April 18, 19:00-21:00 (doors open at 18:30 ~ Welcome drink)Venue: Gakushi KaikanSpeaker: Koji Ikeya (BUS 88)Note: The event will be held both offline and online. Discussion will be held in Japanese languageFee:CUAAJ paid member and/or CBSCJ paid member: 6,000 yenNon Member: 7,000 yenRemote attendance by zoom: FreeRSVP through https://cuaajrelay20230418.peatix.com4月に行われるリレーセミナーのご案内です。今回のイベントでは、昨年から定期開催している『日本経済・日本企業復活に向けたカギを探る』をテーマとした講演会の第3回目として、三菱自動車工業 代表執行役副社長であり、CBSCJ同窓会会長でもある池谷 光司氏(BUS 88)にご講演頂きます。同講演では『三菱自動車工業/企業改革の取組み - 日本企業再生に向けたケーススタディ - 」と題して、池谷氏が三菱UFJ銀行担当役員及び同社CFOという立場で三菱自動車工業の経営に長く携わってきた経験を踏まえ、同社の企業改革に向けた取組みの数々をご紹介頂きます。抜本的なコスト削減による一時的な業績回復に止まらず、日本企業が苦手とする売価の改善や販売費抑制等を通じた「販売の質向上」により、いかにして持続的な「稼ぐ力」を身に付けいくべきか詳しくお話し頂く予定です。また、三菱UFJ銀行時代から自動車・電機・航空・電力・商社等の大型企業再生案件に数多く携わってこられた池谷氏の経験に照らし、日本の『失われた30年』を振り返りつつ、今後の日本経済や日本企業の再興に向けた方向性について示唆に富んだお話をご披露頂きます。尚、今回はコロンビア大学・大学院の共催でもあり、講演会終了後はご参加頂いた皆様で交流を深めて頂ける場も用意しておりますので、皆様におかれましては万障お繰り合わせの上、ご来駕頂けますと幸いです。また会員以外の方の参加も大歓迎です。This is an announcement of CUAAJ relay seminar. The event is co-hosted by CBSCJ.This event is resonating with the third in the series of CBSCJ seminars that CBSCJ has been organizing since last year under the theme of “Looking for Clues to Revival of Japanese Economy and Japanese Companies“ and the speaker will be Mr. Koji Ikeya, Representative Executive Officer, Executive Vice President and CFO of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, and Chair of CBSCJ (BUS 88).   Mr. Ikeya will talk under the title of “Mitsubishi Motors Corporation / Corporate Restructuring Efforts-A Case Study on the Revival of a Japanese Company-” and will present corporate restructuring activities undertaken by Mitsubishi Motors based on his long leadership experience as MMC’s CFO, as well as an executive of MUFG Bank. His talk will include a detailed discussion of how a Japanese company should acquire “the ability to generate profits” sustainably by going beyond a temporary performance recovery through drastic cost reductions and “improving the quality of sales” through higher pricing and lower sales expenses, which Japanese companies are not good at. Mr. Ikeya will also review Japan’s lost three decades, looking back on his own experience with MUFG Bank where he was involved in a number of major corporate reorganization deals in automobile, electronic, aviation, trading house and other industries, and provide insight into what direction we should be heading in to resurge Japan’s economy and businesses.  This event is co-hosted by Columbia University alumni association of Japan and Columbia Business School Club of Japan and there will be a reception after the seminar for all participants to network with each other. So do not miss out on this opportunity. Non-members are also very welcome to attend. Updates,2023-04-07 14:56:06 2023-04-07 14:56:06 The event description was updated. Diff#1350512 Updates,2023-04-07 14:55:38 2023-04-07 14:55:38 The event description was updated. Diff#1350511