TERAKOYA Meets #9 | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-11-01T16:14:44+09:00 Peatix 彩プロダクツイベント TERAKOYA Meets #9 tag:peatix.com,2018:event-351905 2018-03-03T12:30:00JST 2018-03-03T12:30:00JST 広尾ひな祭りバイリンガルworkshop〜外国人とのFamily 交流企画としても開催いたします〜Hinamatsuri and Tea Ceremony Bilingual Family Workshop - Enjoy a day with local Japanese families to celebrate Hinamatsuri and the coming of spring! - Hinamatsuri, otherwise known as the Girl’s Festival or the Peach Festival, is held on the 3rd of March. It is an occasion to wish for the happiness, health and well being of your child.Join us to celebrate Hinamatsuri, in a workshop packed with fun bilingual activities, followed by a traditional Tea Ceremony to wind down. The workshop will be held at one of Tokyo’s most prestigious and picturesque zen temples, located in Hiroo. We will start by exploring the meaning behind the Hinamatsuri dolls and customs through craft, music, and kamishibai (Japanese style storytelling). In the second part, we will  introduce the basics of the traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony, followed by the opportunity to serve and enjoy tea with the Tea  Ceremony Master. All are welcome!日時:2018年3月3日場所:広尾 祥雲寺対象:大人・子供(4歳以上〜12歳)参加費:大人¥5,000(子供1人は無料)・お子様の追加参加の場合¥2,000  ※親子で参加・大人のみ参加も 大歓迎✨ (クラフト・茶道体験 代含む)言語:日本語+英語主催:和なびジャパン 協力:彩プロダクツ・祥雲寺Date & Time: Saturday, March 3rd, Hinamatsuri Day 13:00-16:00 (Registration begins at 12:30)Place: Shōunji Temple, Hiroo (3 min walk from Hiroo station)Target age: Children over 4 years old and adults (Children under 4 are welcome to come, but there will be a fee for children joining activities)Fee: 5,000 yen for 1 Parent & 1 child  2,000 yen per additional child(Fee include crafts, tea, and sweets)Language: Bilingual, Japanese and EnglishBrought to you by : WaNavi Japan, Sai Products and Shōunji TempleContact: contact@wanavi.org (If you have any questions, please feel free to email us)<スケジュール>12:30 開場・受付開始13:00 ご挨拶(参加者のご紹介)13:10 和なびジャパン ひな祭りワークショップ    ゲーム、音楽、バイリンガル紙芝居、クラフトetc14:00 茶道イントロダクション15:00 祥雲寺の茶室にて茶道体験16:00 終了16:30  解散Schedule12:30 Registration13:00 Greetings13:10 WaNavi Japan Family Workshop14:00 Intoduction to Sado, Tea Ceremony15:00 Special Tea Ceremony Experience hosted by Shōunji Temple 16:00 Wrap-up <昨年のワークショップ風景> Updates tag:peatix.com,2018-03-02 07:04:10 2018-03-02 07:04:10 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#320563 Updates tag:peatix.com,2018-02-18 22:55:46 2018-02-18 22:55:46 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#317326