Textures: Arts Critics and Reviewers | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2021-11-15T09:33:31+08:00 Peatix Arts House Limited Textures: Arts Critics and Reviewers tag:peatix.com,2018:event-341811 2018-03-11T16:30:00SGT 2018-03-11T16:30:00SGT Featuring Stephanie Burridge, Matthew Lyon and Cyril Wong This panel – featuring reviewers of dance, theatre, and literary work – will explore the role of art reviewers and critical writing as an important facet of a vibrant arts and cultural scene. This programme is part of Textures – a weekend with words.Textures celebrates the power and beauty of words. It invites audiences to experience and appreciate how words give us the ability to express ourselves as well as give meaning to our lives and the world. With its profound ability to connect and unite, words breathe life into the vast breadth of human thought and feeling, whether spoken or written.In this weekend of words, we also celebrate Singapore literature and the people who have contributed to it. From mastering the craft to those building a community of writers and readers, they are all part of weaving and strengthening the fabric of our literary landscape.