[Wan Qing CultureFest 2017] Nov 11 & 12: Balestier Heritage & Food Trail | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2021-11-15T09:30:14+08:00 Peatix Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall [Wan Qing CultureFest 2017] Nov 11 & 12: Balestier Heritage & Food Trail tag:peatix.com,2017:event-318981 2017-11-11T15:30:00SGT 2017-11-11T15:30:00SGT In conjunction with Wan Qing CultureFest 2017, discover the hidden and lesser-known stories of Balestier and the Memorial Hall by joining us in a series of walking trails and guided tours.With a history spanning 180 years, Balestier today still plays host to significant cultural landmarks, traditional trades and architectural styles that embody Singapore's diverse heritage. Uncover the history of Balestier and embark on the ever-popular Balestier Heritage & Food Trail to explore various heritage sites and sample delicious local delights along the way. For more information on Wan Qing CultureFest 2017, visit http://www.sysnmh.org.sg/.Please take note of the following:Each participant will receive a bottle of mineral water and a loaf of traditional bread as part of the tour.Tour will be conducted in English and Mandarin. Each tour is limited to a maximum of 15 participants (i.e. 15 participants for English tour and 15 participants for Mandarin tour).Kindly arrive 15 minutes early as the tour will begin on time.Do wear comfortable walking shoes and bring along a bottle of water.Walk-ins and cash payment will not be accepted马里士他美食与文化之旅和“2017文化飨宴艺晚晴”活动共同推出,快来晚晴园参加一系列的展厅导览、古迹步行导览与马里士他之旅,并与我们一同探索马里士他及晚晴园鲜为人知的故事。历史悠久长达180年的马里士他,它的两侧竖立着许多新加坡熟悉的建筑、历史与社会地标。 快前来参加“马里士他文化与美食之旅”与我们一同探索马里士他的区鲜为人知的故事和品尝多种新加坡著名美食。欲知更多有关“2017文化飨宴艺晚晴”的精彩内容,请浏览 http://www.sysnmh.org.sg/。 请注意以下活动资讯:每位参加的访客将收到一瓶饮用水和一份传统面包导览将会分成两组进行(英语导览、华语导览各分一组),每组限定15人(例如英语导览15人,华语导览15人)导览将会准时开始,请提前15分钟到达记得穿舒适的鞋子并携带水壶本活动只限提前报名的访客参与,不接受现金支付的访客