Matcha calligraphy | Peatix,2011:1 2019-11-01T21:00:33+09:00 Peatix INBOUND LEAGUE Matcha calligraphy,2017:event-310840 2017-10-22T13:00:00JST 2017-10-22T13:00:00JST □■━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Green Tea Ink Japanese Calligraphy(日本語は下記しております。)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■□▼Recommended for those who…▼◎Pictures of that beautifully presented cuisine, that perfectly sculptured garden, that sacred shrine emitting a divine radiance, taken during your visit in Japan could be even further enriched with knowledge of their story that lay in the background?◎Baffled about why things are done or presented a certain way at a certain time but do not possess the articulacy in the local language to express it?◎You’ve always wanted to experience first-hand the true Japanese culture as felt by the locals but have never gotten the chance to? 【Event Summary】Master Calligrapher Shoran Oba will teach Japanese calligraphy techniques for beginners at this event. At this event, you can learn how to write Japanese calligraphy, learn a bit about the history of Japanese calligraphy, and also about Japanese calligraphy in other parts of the world. In addition to this Japanese Calligraphy Experience, you will also be able to try writing with ink that has matcha green tea mixed in it. Feel free to participate and let’s experience the Japanese Calligraphy !【Date & Time schedule】2017/10/22 (Sun)1st:13:00〜14:302nd:15:30〜17:00【Place】INBOUND LEAGUE 1st floor, Shinjuku, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 160-0022 【Contents】-Introduction of Japanese Calligraphy and History of Calligraphy-Practice writing Chinese character-Special experience with Indian ink mixed Matcha-Photo shooting with all participants and concverstion【Registration】Only 30 guests / Session 【Participation Fee】5,000 yen♢ Caligrapher Shoran Ohba ♢Calligrapher Shoran Ohba was born in Japan, but educated in Australia and the U.S. She graduated from Irvine Valley College and SUNY Plattsburgh with BA degree. After working for three years as a flight attendant of All Nippon Airways in Japan, Shoran decided to become calligraphy master because she grew up in calligraphy environment and influenced by Master Calligrapher of her grand farther. She attended the Japan Calligraphy Academy (Nippon Kyoiku Shodo Geijutuin) in Tokyo and studied under supervision of renowned calligraphy master. With the credential of the academy, Shoran opened her calligraphy school in Japan.Shoran was visiting California with Cultural Exchange Artist Visa issued by the U.S. State Department. She also do package, interior and many other types of design.(URL: 【Other information & Disclaimer】※1 Do not invite any type of business, other events, or religion without permission of staffs.※2 We reserve the right to refuse any participants in our related events who do not keep to the rules, morals and manners.※3 We can not guarantee any damage, loss, or trouble in those events.※4 Please agree to allow pictures and videos of participants taken during the tour to be posted on our homepage, Facebook, and any advertising documents.※5 We will not disclose Personal Information to third parties without the consent of our customers.※6 After reservation , we can’t accept basically cancellation according to your circumstances.※7 Only 20 guests will be able to participate. Registration is on first come first served basis. We beg your kindness.【Introduction of organizer】♢ UDS Ltd. ♢At UDS , we trace our origins to 1992 and the establishment of Urban Design System, a design firm dedicated to creating fully enjoyable urban living arrangements that function as systems designed for business feasibility and community life.Our fundamental attitude is one of enjoying our work as we constantly, deliberately pursue design excellence, feasibility and a community-oriented approach. What we consider “fun work” consists in making our clients happy and generating solid profit by coming up with things and ideas that we ourselves would like to have, and which benefit society.Having been in operation for nearly a quarter of a century now, we are grateful to everyone for having been able to navigate our way through some turbulent waters. During that time, we have expanded our areas of activity from cooperative housing with a community development orientation to hotels, as well as commercial and public facilities. One thing that has never changed since our founding, however, is our commitment to truly grasping the needs of our clients and of local communities, and doing work that earns praise by exceeding expectations. This is why we incorporate planning, design and operation into proposals that strike a comprehensive balance.(URL :♢ SAMURAI MEETUPS ♢Samurai Meetups is an NPO non profit organization whose objective is to help Japan become a nation where foreign tourists and visitors can have unforgettable and unique experiences. This is being achieved through creating opportunities where local areas and everyday culture of Japan can be intimately experienced with the ever growing network of specialists in Japanese culture. Instead of just imagining what it would be like, come, and experience first-hand the true Japanese spirit as no foreigner has ever experienced before!(URL:【Contact】UDS Ltd. Community Coordinate, Matsuoka)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------□■━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   書道師範松蘭氏による「抹茶書®」体験!━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■□“字を綺麗に書けるようになりたいけど、時間がない...”“日本人として、しっかり書道を学んでみたいけど、なかなか機会がない...”“勉強している英語のアウトプットの場が欲しいけど、チャンスに恵まれない...”こんなお悩みはございませんか?当イベントでは、世界を舞台に活躍する書道家師範である大庭松蘭氏が、初心者のための書道体験教室を、INBOUND LEAGUEオープニングイベントにて開催します! 基本的な文字の書き方は勿論のこと、書道の背景や成り立ちにまつわる話から、世界の書道事情について、松蘭氏から学ぶことができます。また、日本人のみならず、訪日外国人と一緒に、書道を学ぶことにより、文化体験を通じた国際交流の機会にもなります。 さらに、静岡県にゆかりのある松蘭氏が開発した、抹茶粉を墨汁に溶かす「抹茶書」も今回オープニングイベントでは特別に体験をすることができます! 日本の伝統文化と食文化を同時に体感し、海外の方にその魅力を伝えてみませんか?ぜひ多くの方のご参加をお待ちしております。以下、イベント概要です! ◆イベント概要・日時:2017年10月22日(日) 13:00~14:30(第一部) ※受付12:30/ 15:30~17:00(第二部)・場所:INBOUND LEAGUE 1F 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿 5-15-14・コンテンツ:- 書道家師範松蘭氏による、日本の書道の歴史や成り立ちの解説- 抹茶粉を墨汁に溶かす「抹茶書®」の説明- 基本的な書道の書き方の練習- 自分の好きな文字を選んで練習し、プレゼント用の色紙に清書- 写真撮影や参加者同士の交流※基本的に第一部・第二部ともに同様のコンテンツを予定・参加費:5000円 / 人(体験料金・プレゼント色紙込み)・支払方法:事前チケット購入第一部:第二部:・人数:各部ともに先着30名限定 ◆イベント主催者概要【主催】UDS株式会社UDS株式会社は、事業性と社会性を実現するしくみ=「システム」で都市を豊かに楽しくすることを目指し、まちづくりにつながる「事業企画」、「建築設計」、「店舗運営」を手がけています。【主催】特定非営利活動法人SAMURAI MEETUPS「インバウンド誘致・観光まちづくり・キャリア教育を通じて日本社会の幸福度を高めていくこと」をビジョンに掲げ、全国的に訪日外国人向けの情報発信や体験コンテンツの企画を実施しているNPO法人です。【協力】大庭松蘭氏日本、海外を中心に書道活動をしております松蘭です。伝統的なものもわかっていて、その枠にとらわれていない書を心がけています。 伝統文化とは、時代時代の職人達の新しい試みの積み重ねの末にあるもの。 携わる者として、同じように努力を続け、次世代へと繋げていきたい。 日本文化を新しい形で世界に発信し、一歩一歩道を拓いていきます。世界をビジョンに見据え、真なる文化人となれるよう、意義ある書道活動をしていきます。 ◆イベント参加規約本規約を事前にお読みいただき、同意頂ける方のみイベントにご参加下さい。※1 ネットワークビジネス(マルチ商法等)、宗教活動等への勧誘行為、ナンパ行為、暴力行為等をはじめとする迷惑行為は、おやめください。※2 上記行為を含め、本イベントの趣旨と異なる目的での参加は、お控えください。運営スタッフの判断により、上記行為を行なった参加者にはご退出して頂きます。(参加費の返金は致しません)※3 お客様都合によるお申込み後のキャンセルおよび返金はお受けしておりません。予めご了承ください。※4 当イベントにて撮影させて頂いた写真や動画はインターネット上で使用させていただくことがございますので、もし何か不都合がございましたらイベント開始時刻までにご連絡頂きます様お願い致します。※5 イベントにおける何らかのトラブル、損失・損害につきましては、イベント主催者は一切の責任を負いかねますので、予めご了承下さい。【お問合せ先】UDS株式会社 地域コーディネイト部担当:梅原・松岡)