Mamakan x Mahota: #2 Rukam Masam | Peatix,2011:1 2017-10-27T19:36:43+08:00 Peatix Mahota Commune Mamakan x Mahota: #2 Rukam Masam,2017:event-309764 2017-10-27T18:30:00SGT 2017-10-27T18:30:00SGT Mamakan x Mahota What inspiration did the Rukam Masam provide Mamakan in their latest artwork titled “You Shoot at Me, I Shoot at You”, 2017? Expect a unique combination of edible local plants and art, with additional ‘seasoning’ of history and culture at this cosy and intimate event at Mahota Pantry. Discover a connection with this tart red cherry you see all over Singapore and discover what you have been missing out on.*Please note that tickets are not available on Peatix*Please call 6299-6809 OR Email to: to REGISTER or check on the availability of the class.*Sorry for any inconvenience caused and we seek your kind understanding in helping us to manage our internal registration process.