VIDEO RECORDING 11:11 Global Synchronizing Activations | Peatix,2011:1 2021-12-22T22:56:54+08:00 Peatix ATUM LVX PTE LTD VIDEO RECORDING 11:11 Global Synchronizing Activations,2021:event-3078820 2021-11-11T16:05:00SGT 2021-11-11T16:05:00SGT [VIDEO RECORDING] 11:11 Global Synchronizing ActivationsEnglish with Japanese Translation all, 11:11 is a powerful pair of numbers as it reminds us that we are in alignment with our Source Energy. We are connected; We are in the flow.The number 11 also signifies the 11th Dimension where before the vibrational material begins to disintegrate when it enters the 12th.It is a gateway that represents perfection in foundation and form.From the beginning of Yantara Jiro's spiritual journey, he has been working on DNA activations with these numeric frequencies using sacred geometries and Light Languages.It has shown profound effects in activating our spiritual potentials such as raising consciousness, switching on latent innate abilities and gaining universal wisdom.Since more than a decade ago, people have been gradually noticing the synchronizing effects of encountering 11:11.Today, millions of people over the years have established a collective global synchronizing field on this portal day.We are able to tap into this field consciously and exchange information which serves as acceleration for our growth in wisdom and spiritual awakening.To access this gateway or portal, we will be supported and gathered by the Galactic Star Beings and the Gurus, Masters and Saints to transmit Unification codings into our energy field.This transmission will also be empowered by Goddess Isis, the initiator for Higher Powers using the frequencies from Star Sirius to work on our Galactic Etheric DNAs.Thoth, who will also be speaking the Universal Light Languages while using Pyramidal Energy, shall be working on reconstructing a new frequency field for us. This has great advantages to fine-tuning our spiritual "antenna", using our central light column (through the spine) to bridge higher dimensions and break illusions and limitations.With each year ever needing personal energy recalibration, we are frequently finding ourselves working hard to synchronise and keep in harmonic rhythm with the rapid changes of the world.This gateway is igniting us into the new reality with greater confidence and strength.11:11 uses the powers of the Collective to bring our separation consciousness to unify and become One.In addition, sacred mantras in the form of Light Languages will be sung to elevate our consciousness to go inwards and resonate with our True-Self.Yantara Jiro performed the first energy transmissions through the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls followed by deep channelling work by the Masters for the rest of the activation work.RECOMMENDED PREPARATION to ENHANCE the BENEFITS from this activation event:1) We highly recommend participants be in a quiet environment while listening to the recording.2) Avoid alcohol a day prior and a day after complete listening. 3) Set up a sacred space to support grounding your body, heart and mind into the moment.4) Have a bottle of water by your side so as to hydrate when your body needs it.5) Have no expectations.6) Open your heart and keep your mind still during the meditation.Love.Sound.Light,Yantara Jiro