Special Dialogue on Health Security and Crisis Management | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2021-11-21T10:02:26+09:00 Peatix GHIPP Special Dialogue on Health Security and Crisis Management tag:peatix.com,2021:event-3023299 2021-10-22T09:00:00JST 2021-10-22T09:00:00JST GHIPP Special Dialogue on Health Security and Crisis Management新型コロナウイルスの感染が世界的に拡大する一方、経済活動のグローバル化が進み、人やモノの流れを人為的に止めることは不可能となった世界。周辺地域の地政学的変化、武力の衝突、インフルエンザを含む感染症等の広範で爆発的な流行(パンデミック)や、化学・生物・放射性物質・核拡散の脅威等が、いつ何時現実となる可能性があります。GHIPPでは、国際情勢x危機管理の分野での人材育成のためのクライシスシミュレーションワークショップを来春開催する予定であり、実際起こりえる危機的状況を仮想的に作り出し、参加者が普段机上では思いつかない危機的状況に対応しながら、その場での判断力や対応力、気づきなど実践的な学びを得ることを目的としています。今回は、スペシャルダイアログを開催します。本ダイアログは米国国務省の助成をうけたプログラムです。英語開催となります。We are facing continuous threats from regional geopolitical changes, military conflict, potential exposure risks of infectious disease, including pandemic influenza, as well as unintentional release or deliberate use of chemical or biological agents. However, we are not yet fully prepared to responding to such threats. In order to nurture potential global leaders, who understand the nature of threats and can build resilience and preparedness, GHIPP organizes dialogue and regional crisis simulation workshop in Spring 2022, with funding provided by the United States Government.#13 Special Dialogue: October 22, 2021  09:00-10:00 JST  (October 21, 2021 20:00-21:00 EDT)Topic: “COVID-19 and Beyond: US-China Geostrategic Competition on Health and Environment Issues"今回は、地政学リスクの中でも米中関係について、経済、安保、ヘルス、環境といった包括的視点からお話いただきます。米国国防総省に37年余り勤務し、中国の専門家でもいらっしゃいます。アジア太平洋地域の安全保障分野をはじめ、インテリジェンス部門、戦略的貿易管理、技術移転、米中関係など多岐にわたり、米国国防省の中枢にて働かれてきた専門家、ポール・リネハン博士にご登壇いただきます。Global Health Innovation Policy Program at GRIPS invites you to the 13th Special Dialogue on health security and crisis management. We are excited to welcome Dr. Paul Linehan who managed a range of Indo-Pacific business, defense, intelligence and national security affairs. In his final assignment in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, he served as the Director, Indo-Pacific for the National Disclosure Policy Committee.Speaker: Dr. Paul Linehan (CEO, Secure Knowledge Consulting, LLC)Commentator: Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa (GHIPP) Facilitator: Dr. Hiromi Murakami (GHIPP)Tool: Zoom Language: EnglishFee: Free Deadline: October 22, 2021More details  http://www3.grips.ac.jp/~GHIPP/en/dialogue/HSD13          Speakers' bio:Dr. Linehan’s 37 years of professional experience and federal government service have been devoted to managing a range of Indo-Pacific business, defense, intelligence and national security affairs. In his final assignment in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, he served as the Director, Indo-Pacific for the National Disclosure Policy Committee and U.S. Designated Security Authority as U.S. Government lead expert for international security agreements, security certification of defense programs, industrial security, and national disclosure policy for the Indo-Pacific region. Dr. Linehan was a U.S. congressional fellow to the Government of Japan in the Ambassador Mike Mansfield Fellowship Program and as a leadership exchange fellow to the People’s Republic of China in partnership with Tsinghua and Johns Hopkins Universities. He is a graduate of Boston College; completed post-graduate studies at Waseda University, Tokyo; and holds master’s degrees in international affairs and China studies from The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and in national security studies from the National War College, National Defense University. He received his doctorate from Georgetown University.Dr. Linehan is a graduate of the Federal Executive Institute, the Senior Executives in National and International Security program at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, a recipient of the Secretary of Defense Exceptional Civilian Service Award, and author of the book, “The Culture of Leadership in Contemporary China - Conflict, Values, and Perspectives for a New Generation”. Kiyoshi Kuorkawa: Professor, Emeritus, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies and the University or TokyoHiromi Murakami: Visiting Scholar, National Graduate Institute for Policy StudiesIf you have any questions, please contact GRIPS GHIPP Hiromi Murakami at hi-murakam (at) grips.ac.jpThank you for your interest, and we look forward to having you at our newly launched Glogal Dialogue on Health Security. ご質問や不明な点などありましたら、Global Health Innovation Policy Program 村上までご連絡くださいませ。We use your information for this event series only. Updates tag:peatix.com,2021-09-30 13:24:56 2021-09-30 13:24:56 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#1130100