《诗韵:莫忘影中人》 A Melody named Memory | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2021-11-15T09:03:52+08:00 Peatix Arts House Limited 《诗韵:莫忘影中人》 A Melody named Memory tag:peatix.com,2017:event-298508 2017-10-07T17:00:00SGT 2017-10-07T17:00:00SGT 《诗韵:莫忘影中人》A Melody named Memory 1950至1980年代新华诗歌回顾朗诵会 | An evening of music and Singapore poetry from 1950s-1980s 时间:10月7日 (星期六),傍晚8时至9时30分地点:Chamber, 艺术之家 入场免费, 请在此登记或播电63326900《莫忘影中人》是一场通过华文诗词和室内音乐,追溯新加坡从1950年代到1980年代建国时期隽永回忆的艺术飨宴。 “莫忘影中人” 是旧时明信片中常看到的字眼,主要用以敦促对所在乎之人的珍爱和难忘。延续这一来自早期明信片中的真挚情怀,此次的庆中秋活动将为大家呈现数十一首出自著名狮城诗人如蔡志礼、王润华和淡莹的佳作。诗词中以柔美的笔锋勾勒出新加坡在城市景观越发繁荣的同时,悄然演变的文学景致。 节目通过对艺术形态独特灵魂的巧妙运用 一一 华文诗词用以吟诵传听、华族室内乐用以渲染乐器之间的“旋音对话”,生动入微地呈现出建国一代在饱经历史蜕变与动荡事件:如日本侵略后期,以及在新加坡成立初始,努力寻求国家认同后的精神面貌。 无论是开发早期常有戎克船通行的梧槽河畔、裕廊工业区的兴起,还是早期妈姐肃穆沉重的自梳仪式,活动通过视觉和听觉两大感官的融会,将建国一代在经历波波更迭时的憧憬与焦虑呈现得淋漓尽致。 表演开始之前,为大家拉开帷幕的是新加坡诗人和学者伍木。他将为大家剖析新加坡华文诗词从1950 到 1980年代的重大事迹。讲座将抽样分析著名诗人最具影响力的作品,同时也会审评新加坡华文诗词多年来的演变。 由鼎艺团和五月诗社盛情参与的节目与新华诗歌年共同举行,也是艺术之家 “唱诵诗乐” 系列活动之一。_______________________________________________________________A Melody named Memory is an evening of Chinese poetry and Chamber music exploring recollections of Singapore in the heady nation building decades of 1950s to 1980s. Inspired by the Chinese saying “莫忘影中人”, a common adage used in old photo postcards urging loved ones to remember and cherish them, this Mid-autumn Festival event features close to a dozen poems by some of the nation’s most celebrated poets such as Chua Chee Lay (蔡志礼), Wong Yoon Wah (王润华) and Dan Ying (淡莹).Deftly playing with the unique characteristics of each art form - Chinese poetry as a lyrical recitation and Chinese chamber music as a melodic dialogue between instruments - the event paints a vivid portrait of a generation grappling with social transformations and upheavals, evoking their aspirations and anxieties. Preceding the performance is a lecture by Singaporean poet and academic Teo Sum Lim (伍木) who will lend insights into Singapore’s Chinese poetry landscape from the 1950s to 80s. The session will highlight key poets, analyze some of their most significant works, and finally evaluate how the genre has evolved through the years. This programme, conducted in Mandarin, involves Ding Yi Music Company and May Poetry Club. It is part of The Arts House’s Poetry with Music series.Free admission. Registration is compulsory and available online or by phone (63326900). Updates tag:peatix.com,2017-09-08 11:36:31 2017-09-08 11:36:31 Title was changed to "《诗韵:莫忘影中人》 A Melody named Memory". Orig#276592 Updates tag:peatix.com,2017-09-08 11:33:53 2017-09-08 11:33:53 The event description was updated. Diff#276591