The New Age of Customer Loyalty | Peatix,2011:1 2017-09-28T20:32:02+07:00 Peatix spacemob The New Age of Customer Loyalty,2017:event-296286 2017-09-27T18:30:00WIT 2017-09-27T18:30:00WIT During this informative session, you will learn about customer loyalty marketing and its different elements. Marianne will share her experience in building loyalty programs, and show opportunities for customer loyalty in Indonesia. She will also draw on her obsession with luxury travel, and how that changes a customer's behaviour toward a brand - something which turned her into a points geek.Come join us and build your knowledge on loyalty marketing, and meet others like you.Agenda for the evening:6.30pm - mingle & chat with the speaker7pm - presentation begins7.45pm - questions from audience8pm to 9pm - networking / hanging out / chattingAbout MarianneA seasoned marketer with international experiences working and establishing businesses in Asia, Australia and the US. A points geek at heart and travel-hacks my way into luxury travel without having to pay the big bucks. She's also passionate about making a difference through innovation. Industry interests: marketing, consumer services, technology, hospitality and travel.Having started a career as a marketing communication specialist in a corporate environment (MNCs), she has pursued entrepreneurial ambitions in hospitality, start-ups (e-commerce) and has gained over 10 years of professional work experience in different areas of marketing, branding and business management in Australia, Asia and the US.