Lee Strasberg’s Method Acting (Introduction) (Afternoon sessions) 29 August, 2017 — 17 October, 2017 | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2017-08-30T17:06:03+08:00 Peatix Kamil Haque Lee Strasberg’s Method Acting (Introduction) (Afternoon sessions) 29 August, 2017 — 17 October, 2017 tag:peatix.com,2017:event-291123 2017-08-29T13:00:00SGT 2017-08-29T13:00:00SGT ***Workshop Sign-up Link*** Lee Strasberg’s Method Acting (Introduction) (Afternoon sessions)29 August, 2017 — 17 October, 2017$600.00 (Sign-up before 7 August for 20% early bird discount)Who is this workshop for? Everyone. We welcome both actors and non-actors with an interest in the arts. This workshop is open to anyone from all backgrounds. Minimum age for admission is 18 and above. Admission below the minimum age may be made on a case by case basis.Pre-requisites?No.What is the Lee Strasberg’s Method?An acting technique, Strasberg’s method brings out the inner life of a character. Actors trained in this method use their personal experiences to inhabit characters. They are sensitive to sensory realities. They are truthful. Authentic. Present. And they are more in tune with their physical, mental and emotional instrument.In this workshop, you will learn to create art that resonates: How do we dissolve unnecessary tension in our body? How do we access our experiences readily? Being watched, how can we perform freely?During this 8 week programme Kamil will teach Strasberg’s acting fundamentals as a comprehensive and carefully-planned curriculum aimed to develop self-awareness, critical thinking and confidence in actors and non-actors alike.Our instructor, Kamil, works with every student individually. This means that you’ll receive personalized feedback and assignments that cater to your learning needs. You’ll learn to perform monologues, project your voice, devise scenes, study voice projection techniques and practice sense memory and relaxation exercises.Do I get a discount?Please refer to our early bird promotions.Alumni HCAC StudentsPrevious students who have signed up for this workshop are welcome to join this workshop again.You will work on new and more advanced materials.Free admission for repeat students is only applicable to the Lee Strasberg’s Method Acting (Introduction) workshop.Do I get a discount?Please refer to our early bird promotions.HCAC Student Membership card: Email us for discount code.Payment PlansPayment Plans are available. Email us at admin@hcac.sg.***Workshop Sign-up Link***