Yin Yang Healing Circle - August | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-11-01T22:39:11+08:00 Peatix Derick Pang Yin Yang Healing Circle - August tag:peatix.com,2017:event-287851 2017-08-08T19:30:00SGT 2017-08-08T19:30:00SGT Yin & Yang Healing circle is a gathering of like minded individuals showing up and creating a safe environment for everyone to contemplate, share your perspectives and experiences as well as send and receive healing to each other. Everything and everyone manifests as both masculine and feminine. Our men and women circle will be happening concurrently in different rooms and our intention is to provide both men and women the space to dive within and an option for you to share and inspire. In each gathering, we will explore a theme close to heart and allow healing and growth thereafter. August theme: Abundance of Miracles & Prosperity How does living in moments where Abundance of Miracles & Prosperity just shows up wherever and whenever sounds to you? How will your life be like if you just shift into living with waves of abundance every moment? We live in an Abundance world where there are enough to go around, Love, Resources, Money, Miracles and Joy are all around waiting for you to call upon it to fill your life. Many people like you and me may be brought up with limiting beliefs that was implanted within, these beliefs started sabotaging our life as we grow and constantly showing up in all areas of our lives as if there were true. Our world had evolved tremendously over the years, now you have the options to choose how you want to continue living your life, you can choose to continue living in fear or you can shift towards living in abundance. Coming 08th August, Join us at our Abundance of Miracles & Prosperity healing circle. This month we will discuss on the topic “My relationship with money". As the circle comes together to share and explore different perspectives to look at our money stories, we allow ourselves to surface that deep fear, worries or concern within and eventually allow it to be healed. This will then lay a foundation for you to begin your Abundance of Miracles & Prosperity journey! Possible questions that we may touch on How has the topic of money affected any part of your life (Relationship, Career or Health)? How has your limiting beliefs on money limited you to experience life fully? Workshop Details: - Date: 08 August 2017 (Tues) Time: 07.30 - 9.30 pm Registration starts from 7.15pm Venue: Basic Essence Holistic Wellness Centre 501 Bukit Timah Road #04-04 Cluny Court Singapore 259760 Class Fee: $38 per person Bring a friend and pay $68 only Online special promotion: $30/pax ticket *Only available for online purchase before 06 August. To register for this event, please fill up the form below. https://goo.gl/forms/KThI3ZaUknuzzkZv1 About facilitators, Ting is a spiritual rebel, holistic coach, intuitive healer. She combines divine and human effort as she works with people to create different results and experiences in life. Embracing her gift of simplifying concepts, she provides spiritual and psychological hack to support people to understand and incorporate into their lives. Derick Pang is known to be Happiness Teacher, Coach, Speaker and Writer. He teaches Kundalini Yoga & Meditation class or workshops regularly. He firmly believes deep within each and every one of us lies the highest truth of Love awaiting to be remembered and his current purpose is to educate people back to that remembrance. Things to note: Please come in comfortable workout attire, bring along writing materials, drinking water and towel. Thank you.