Patchwork Tokyo | Peatix,2011:1 2019-11-02T03:22:37+09:00 Peatix GitHub Japan Patchwork Tokyo,2017:event-253588 2017-05-09T18:00:00JST 2017-05-09T18:00:00JST イベント概要学生さんや初心者プログラマー、プログラムに興味がある人向けにGitとOSSに馴染んでもらうためのハンズオン形式のワークショップです。 GitHubの使い方を学んだり、OSSコミュニティに関するLTを聞けたりします。 また、ヤフーとGitHub社メンバーがメンターとして参加し、参加者の疑問に答えます。 プログラム 18:00 受付開始 18:30 Video 5min18:40 GitHub社LT19:00 Patchworkカリキュラム実施 20:30 OSSコミュニティLT20:45 Woman Who Codeのメンバーの方のLT21:00 Q&A、記念撮影、懇談など21:30 終了会場への入館ルートとフロアマップ- 入館ルート ビルフロアマップ注記- 当日はご使用になるラップトップコンピューターを各自ご用意頂けますようお願いします。 - 事前に下記のリンクよりGit-Itをダウンロードしておいて頂けますようお願い致します。カリキュラム実施の際にご使用になるアプリケーションになります。(ダウンロードリンク: 当日はアルコールのご提供も予定していますので、受付で年齢確認ができるID等のご提示をお願いします。年齢確認ができない場合、申し訳ございませんがアルコールのご提供は致しかねます。- 本イベントには、下記Code of Conductが適用されますので、ご一読をお願いします。CODE OF CONDUCTPatchwork is a community event intended for networking and collaboration in the tech community.We value the participation of each member and want all attendees to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, all attendees are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees throughout all events hosted in the GitHub space.To make clear what is expected, all attendees, speakers, exhibitors, organizers, and volunteers at any event in the GitHub space are required to conform to the following Code of Conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event.GitHub is dedicated to providing a positive and harassment-free event experience for everyone, regardless of age, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, race, religion, or level of experience. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants in any form, nor do we tolerate any behavior that would reasonably lead to another event participant being made to feel unsafe, insecure, or frightened for their physical or emotional well-being.Examples of encouraged behavior that contributes to a positive environment include:- Using welcoming and inclusive language- Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism- Focusing on what is best for everyone at the event- Showing empathy towards other participantsUnacceptable behavior includes:- The use of sexualized language or imagery and sexual attention or advances- Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks- Harassment of any kind, even in a joking or ironic manner- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting- Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other attendees. Behave professionally. Remember that harassment and sexist, racist, or exclusionary jokes are not appropriate at this event.Each event guest is entirely responsible for his or her own actions.Thank you for helping to make this a welcoming, friendly space for all.Reporting an IncidentTo discuss any incident or behaviour in violation of this code of conduct, please contact the organizer, Elizabeth Barron, or another GitHub employee or a security officer, either in person at the event or by phone or email. We will take any complaints seriously, and respond promptly and appropriately. Any person, including event staff, who violates this Code of Conduct may be asked to remedy their behaviour, apologise, leave the event, or be banned from future events.Our goal in dealing with reported incidents is to assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance. Updates,2017-04-25 08:48:27 2017-04-25 08:48:27 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#242229 Updates,2017-04-24 07:00:57 2017-04-24 07:00:57 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#241955 Updates,2017-04-14 09:19:35 2017-04-14 09:19:35 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#239678 Updates,2017-04-14 09:18:56 2017-04-14 09:18:56 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#239677 Updates,2017-04-14 09:18:43 2017-04-14 09:18:43 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#239676 Updates,2017-04-14 09:18:14 2017-04-14 09:18:14 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#239675