Kimono Photo shooting tour vol.1 - Kiyosumishirakawa - | Peatix,2011:1 2019-11-02T03:57:30+09:00 Peatix trecktreck Kimono Photo shooting tour vol.1 - Kiyosumishirakawa -,2017:event-247790 2017-04-02T09:40:00JST 2017-04-02T09:40:00JST English follows…江戸の昔と今が交差する街、清澄白河。桜満開の季節、和服に着替えて、江戸の町並みや水路に映る桜並木をそろり楽しむ街歩きをしませんか。街歩きの風景は、森下のスタジオHIGHLAND酒井さん撮影のお土産に。呉服屋・田巻屋さんの着物レンタル利用で気軽に参加してもらえます。ー女性、男性、お子様も大歓迎ですー● 参加費; 13,000円 以下費用は含まれます。・1日着物レンタル(訪問着、帯、下駄、足袋コミ)・撮影料・入場料、その他費用(深川江戸資料館、清澄庭園、スナック・コーヒーなど)●スケジュール:4月2日(日)9:45am-1:00pm9:45AM:京呉服・田巻屋に集合10:00AM:着物着付け(訪問着・帯・足袋・履物レンタル)11:00AM:近所の寺社めぐり、深川江戸資料館を訪問11:45PM:清澄庭園で撮影、清澄公園でコーヒーでひと休憩12:30PM:仙台堀川の並木を抜けて、田巻屋へ戻る1:00PM:イベント終了●カメラマン酒井 洋一(HIGHLAND)神田外語大学英米語学科を卒業後 ハリウッドに渡りLos Angeles City College映画学科卒業。3年の間現地でCM、PV、ショートフィルムなどの現場に参加し、フィルムでの映像制作を習得。帰国後2006年、ミュージックビデオプロダクションの最大手、(株)SEPに入社。安室 奈美恵, Mr.Children, Kinki Kids, KREVA, MONKEY MAJIKなど150本以上のアーティストの映像制作に携わる。2009年、クリエイティブブランド「HIGHLAND」を設立。ウェディング撮影を中心に活動を開始。2010,12,14年と世界のトップ撮影チームであるSTILLMOTIONのワークショップに参加。彼らのストーリーテリングの真髄に触れ、近年ではアメリカ、ロシア、イタリアなど世界での挙式/前撮り撮影や、留学時代に習得したフィルムでの映像表現に再び力を入れるなど、常に新しい技術や想いを大切に、カップルそれぞれの「ストーリー」を表現していくスタイルに磨きをかける。————Kimono Photo shooting tour vol.1 - Kiyosumishirakawa - 2017 April2 (Sunday) 9:45AM | Kiyosumishirakawa, Tokyo -Female and Male, Children, Japanese are also welcomed! - Let's browse around old Edo era’s town, Kiyosumishirakawa in Japanese Kimono and take photo! ● Highlights of the tour - Beautiful Kimono dressing (Kitsuke) by long established kimono store, Tamakiya. - Visiting the Fukagawa Edo Museum and some temples, Kiyosumi-teien Japanese Garden, Cherry blossom along the river in Kiyosumishirakawa. - Tasting coffee and Japanese sweets. - Preserve a wonderful memory with special photo session by our photographer, Mr.Yoichi Sakai. - All photo data will be included as a gift - Thank you gift from TreckTreck ● Itinerary | Sunday, April 2nd 9:45AM: Meet at Kimono shop, Tamakiya in Kiyosumishirakawa 10:00AM: Kimono dressing and hair set. Enjoy choosing your favorite Kimono, obi belt, and Geta (sandals) 11:00AM: Visit some temples and the Fukagawa Edo Musuem 11:45PM: Heading to Kiyosumi-teien Japanese garden and park       Having some Japanese sweets and coffee 12:30PM: Return to Tamakiya Kimono shop through blooming cherry blossom trees along the river 1:00PM: Event ends *Schedule to be flexible ● Yoichi Sakai Cinematographer/Founder and Representative DirectorYoichi Sakai founded “HIGHLAND” Inc. in 2009. HIGHLAND is a creative brand composed by creative division and wedding division, creating wedding photo & cinema works. They attempt to show the story of each couples, emotion on their works. They has participated in the world's top wedding creative team "Stillmotion" workshop in LA and catched up the new style of representation of film movie.Yoichi was born in Tokyo.He graduated from English major at Kanda University of International Studies and received Cinema major from Los Angeles City College. After returning Japan in 2006, he joined SEP, inc., the biggest music video production company in Japan and made over 150 Japanese music videos and live DVD as Production Manager such as Namie Amuro, Kumi Koda, EXILE and so on. ● Participation Fee(Max up to 6); 13,000Yen - 1 day Kimono rental *Kimono rental includes obi, bag, Geta (sandals), Kitsuke and other necessary accessories. - Photography fee - Entrance fee of the Fukagawa Edo Musuem, Kiyosumi-teien garden - Some snacks and coffee ● Additional Fee; - Hair Set (1,000 or 2,000yen plan) with hair accessory - Others: Street food, snacks, souvenirs and transportation fee ● Important Notes; •Itinerary may vary due to weather, traffic conditions, and other unavoidable circumstances •Please be considerate towards other participants, especially the time for choosing Kimono and hair set is limited. Please also complete your make-up at home (no time for full make-up at Tamakiya). •Please be considerate towards other participants •Please be punctual and arrive on time (*we will start the event on time) •First-come-first-serve limited only to 6 (*priority given to those who completed their payment) •Cancellation Policy:no cancellation fee will be incurred until 2 days prior to event (March 31). There will be 100% cancellation fee onwards ◆ What to wear / bring; - Cash (*some shops accept cash only) - Tamakiya Kimono shop (Kimono rental shop) can keep your personal belongings/clothes etc. during outing period, but not responsible for any valuable things. Please pack your belongings as simple as possible ◆ Useful Links; ・Kiyosumishirakawa・Tamakiya Kimono shop ・HIGHLAND