World’s Trend of the Innovation on Blockchain~ブロックチェーン・イノベーションの最新トレンド | Peatix,2011:1 2022-03-04T16:59:37+09:00 Peatix コクサイダイガク World’s Trend of the Innovation on Blockchain~ブロックチェーン・イノベーションの最新トレンド,2017:event-246796 2017-03-28T16:00:00JST 2017-03-28T16:00:00JST ブロックチェーン技術を巡っては、世界各地で急速な開発が行われている。中でも、プラットフォーム技術の開発や、様々な領域におけるPoC(プルーフ・オブ・コンセプト)が盛んにおこなわれている。本国際セミナーでは、米国と英国からブロックチェーン関連のイノベーションに精通する識者を招き、世界の最前線で行われているイノベーションを概観し、その国際比較を試みる。特に、どのような分野やテーマにおいてイノベーションが進んでいるか、また技術開発やスタートアップ企業を取り巻くエコシステムの状況、人材の育成や確保などのテーマで、米国、英国、日本の状況を比較しつつ、議論を深める。※基本的に英語での開催ですが、日本語による簡単な解説が付きます。 参加費 / Fee無料 / Free定員 / Number of Attendees 50名(先着順) / 50GLOCOMウェブページ プログラム / Program1.講演 / Lecture カテリーナ・リンディ Caterina Rindi (Blockchain Consultant and Educator / Director, Corporate Social Responsibility and  Impact)キャサリン・マリガン Catherine Mulligan(Co-Director of the Imperial College Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering)2.パネルディスカッション / Panel Discussion モデレーター / Moderator高木聡一郎 Soichiro Takagi(国際大学GLOCOM主幹研究員/准教授/研究部長) 3.質疑応答 / Discussion and Question-and-Answer from the audience登壇者略歴 / Speakers●カテリーナ・リンディ Caterina Rindi(Blockchain Consultant and Educator / Director, Corporate Social Responsibility and  Impact)Caterina Rindi comes from a background in education and non-profits, having taught elementary school to bilingual students, and worked to support homeless families and disenfranchised communities in the United States. Through her efforts developing more scalable opportunities and tapping existing resources via peer-to-peer technologies, she became involved in the bitcoin and blockchains ecosystem in late 2013. Caterina spent several years as an online community manager, rallying an international user base in Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, Australia, and the U.S. With her focus on educating and introducing non-technical audiences to cryptocurrencies and the underlying blockchain protocol, Caterina works to decrease wealth disparities in the world through education and increased access to financial systems. She also aims to ensure that multiple and diverse perspectives and experiences are embedded into the development of these future technological tools. Today, Caterina lends her expertise to fintech (financial technology) startups as well as other clients in industries ranging from P2P collaborative economies, consumer products, governance, and healthcare, and is helping organizations think about tapping the advantages of decentralized, transparent, secure databases and selfexecuting contracts. She is also addressing the responsibility of our wealthiest citizens to care for the environment and their communities, and use their social impact positively, and has recently joined the team at Elefant as Director of Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact. Caterina speaks four languages (three of them well), consults internationally, and travels frequently between the United States and Europe, where she has family. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Education from University of California at Davis. Past speaking events and conferences include SXSW, Institute for the Future, Health 2.0, Inside Bitcoins, OuiShare Fest, and Stanford University.●キャサリン・マリガン Catherine Mulligan(Co-Director of the Imperial College Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering)Dr. Catherine Mulligan is a Research Fellow in Innovation and Entrepreneurship with a joint appointment to the Department of Computing where she is Co-Director of the Imperial College Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering. Cathy has worked extensively with catalyzing IoT and blockchain solutions to market. She is an advisor to several governments and multinational corporations globally about the role of digitalisation on economic growth and prior to her academic career gained 15 years international experience in the mobile telecommunications industry. She has authored 5 books covering both the technology and economics of the mobile communications industries including SAE/EPC & M2M/IoT. Cathy is a member of the Open and Agile Smart Cities (OASC) Task Force, where she leads Standardisation Activities around ETSI, ISO, ITU, 5G and Open APIs. Catherine received her PhD and MPhil from the University of Cambridge and her BSc. (Hons 1) from UNSW, Australia. Catherine is a Fellow and Expert member of the World Economic Forum’s Blockchain council. ●モデレーター高木聡一郎 Soichiro Takagi(国際大学GLOCOM主幹研究員,准教授,研究部長 / GLOCOM, International University of Japan)国際大学グローバル・コミュニケーション・センター(GLOCOM)研究部長/准教授/主幹研究員、および東京大学大学院情報学環客員研究員。国際大学GLOCOM ブロックチェーン経済研究ラボ代表。これまでにハーバード大学ケネディスクール行政大学院フェロー、慶應義塾大学SFC研究所訪問所員、東京大学大学院情報学環客員准教授などを歴任。専門分野は情報経済学。IT産業のビジネスモデルや、ITの普及・発展に伴う社会への影響を、主に経済学の観点から分析している。主な著書に「Reweaving the Economy: How IT Affects the Borders of Country and Organization」(東京大学出版会)、「学び直しの方法論 社会人から大学院へ進学するには」(インプレスR&D)など。2015年、社会情報学会より「大学院学位論文賞(博士論文・論文賞)」並びに「新進研究賞」を受賞。会場 / Venue国際大学グローバル・コミュニケーション・センターGLOCOM HALL, International University of Japan〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木6-15-21 ハークス六本木ビル2階 お問い合わせ  国際大学グローバル・コミュニケーション・センター(GLOCOM)  TEL: 03-5411-6677  E-mail: info_is[at] (担当:安藤) ※ [at] を小文字の@にしてご連絡ください。