【南魚沼Session】スタートアップ×地方創生フォーラム Forums on the Regional Development by Start-up Clusters | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2021-11-15T09:18:26+09:00 Peatix コクサイダイガク 【南魚沼Session】スタートアップ×地方創生フォーラム Forums on the Regional Development by Start-up Clusters tag:peatix.com,2017:event-244557 2017-03-17T14:00:00JST 2017-03-17T14:00:00JST 情報技術を活用したスタートアップ企業の創業が盛んになりつつある。その背景として、情報技術の発展により、多彩なビジネスモデルの創出が可能になったことに加え、従来の産業と比較して創業のコストが低減し、少ない資金で事業を始めることが可能となったことが挙げられる。その一方で、情報技術を活用した事業の特性として、場所の制約から比較的自由であるという面がある。そのため、地方で創業したり、地方にサテライトオフィスと構える企業も出てきている。このような中、地域においてスタートアップ企業を育成したり、誘致することにより、その地域の活性化を図る取り組みを行える可能性が出てきている。 地方がスタートアップ企業を誘致し、育成するためにはどのような条件が必要だろうか。また、企業には地方に立地することで、どのようなメリットがあるのだろうか。本フォーラムでは、国際色豊かな学生が集まる国際大学が立地する南魚沼市との連携のもと、東京および南魚沼市でフォーラムを開催し、スタートアップ企業の集積による地方創生の可能性について議論を行う。There is a growing trend of establishing start-up firms using Information Technology (IT). With the rapid development of the technology, a variety of new services can be created, and the cost for establishing a new firm is drastically reduced. On the other hand, IT-intensive businesses are relatively flexible in terms of the choice of location. There are more firms which are established and have satellite offices in countryside and provinces, rather than metropolitan areas. From public policy’s perspective, there is a possibility to promote and attract start-ups to vitalize the local community. What are the conditions for local community to successfully attract and promote start-up firms? What are the benefits for start-ups to locate in rural area? By collaborating with Minami-Uonuma City, in which International University of Japan locates with a variety of international students, this forum discusses the possibility of local vitalizations by the accumulating startup firms. ※東京セッション、南魚沼セッションはそれぞれ個別に参加可能です。Tokyo and Minami-Uonuma Sessions are to be independently attended. 参加費 / Fee無料 / Free定員 / Number of Attendees 20名(先着順) / 20GLOCOMウェブページ 南魚沼セッションプログラム「南魚沼市におけるIT産業誘致戦略」Program of Minami-Uonuma Session “Strategy to attract IT industry to Minami-Uonuma”1.講演 / Lecture   アダム・リンドマン (Mind Fund Groupパートナー/CEO)  スティーブ・ライフ (独立コンサルタント)  ジェイ・ラジャセケラ (国際大学教授)    Adam D Lindemann (Partner and CEO of Mind Fund Group)    Steve Rife (Independent Consultant)    Jay Rajasekera (Professor, International University of Japan)2.パネルディスカッション / Panel Discussion   モデレーター / Moderator  高木聡一郎(国際大学GLOCOM主幹研究員/准教授/研究部長)    Soichiro Takagi (GLOCOM, International University of Japan) 3.質疑応答 / Discussion and Question-and-Answer from the audience登壇者略歴 / Speakers●アダム・リンドマン Adam D Lindemann(Mind Fund Groupパートナー,CEO / Partner and CEO of Mind Fund Group)Adam Lindemann has 20 years of experience as an international internet technology entrepreneur and investor in Japan, the United States and Hong Kong. He is the Founder and Group CEO of Mind Fund and a Graduate of University of London. Mind Fund is a Startup Studio and Investor based in Hong Kong that builds, invests and incubates “next wave” global digital media and technology companies. Mind Fund supports Founders in the U.S, Japan, Hong Kong and across the Asia-Pacific region to start and build globally successful ventures. In January 2017, Mind Fund received investment from Digital Garage and they jointly committed to build, incubate and invest in the next generation of global companies from Asia.●スティーブ・ライフ Steve Rife(独立コンサルタント / Independent Consultant)Stephen Rife is a technologist, web developer and data analyst with over 15 years working experience in Japan in Internet-related startups and services. He currently lives in the Boston area where he is a technologist for Digital Garage working with portfolio companies on their technical, marketing and operational strategies and scouting interesting services, technologies and companies.Stephen also works with Supernormal a design collaborative where he builds web applications to visualize and explore geo-referenced data and works with partners to optimize strategies and analyze impacts of interventions in urban spaces. He is a contributor to YouAreHere, a study of urban places in which we create visualizations of cities across a range of themes related to livability and equitability. The project grew out of the Social Computing Group at the MIT Media Lab where Stephen was a visiting researcher. ●ジェイ・ラジャセケラ Jay Rajasekera(国際大学教授 / Professor, International University of Japan)Prof. Jay Rajasekera is Vice President of International University of Japan. He had previously served at Dean of IUJ Business School, considered the top ranked business school in Japan, based on international rankings.Previously he was with AT&T Bell Laboratories at Princeton NJ, USA and at Global Business Systems, serving as a Director.He patented the design algorithm for world’s first undersea optical fiber cable between US and Europe, while at AT&T. Good percentage of world Internet traffic today is carried over optical cables produced using his algorithm. His current specialties include IT/Mobile business strategies, Digitization of service and manufacturing industries. Author of 4 books and numerous journal articles, his opinions have appeared in Wall Street Journal, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Japan Times, and other leading publications.●モデレーター高木聡一郎 Soichiro Takagi(国際大学GLOCOM主幹研究員,准教授,研究部長 / GLOCOM, International University of Japan)Soichiro Takagi is the General Manager of Research Division, Associate Professor, and Executive Research Fellow at Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM) at International University of Japan. He also serves as a Visiting Researcher at The University of Tokyo. Through his career, he also served as an Asia Program Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, visiting researcher at SFC research institute at KEIO University, and a visiting associate professor at The University of Tokyo, etc. His major field is information economics, focusing on the relationship between information technology and the economy. He has examined a variety of topics including offshore outsourcing, cloud computing, open data, sharing economy, digital currency, and Blockchain. He is directing the Blockchain Economic Research Lab at GLOCOM.会場 / Venue国際大学 MLICホールMLIC HALL, International University of Japan Campus 〒949-7277 新潟県南魚沼市国際町777番地http://www.iuj.ac.jp/jp/about/campus/ ※東京セッションの詳細・お申し込みはこちらのページをご覧ください。お問い合わせ  国際大学グローバル・コミュニケーション・センター(GLOCOM)  TEL: 03-5411-6677  E-mail: info_is[at]glocom.ac.jp (担当:安藤) ※ [at] を小文字の@にしてご連絡ください。