Forum: How Eurasian is Kristang? | Peatix,2011:1 2019-11-02T03:23:33+08:00 Peatix Kodrah Kristang Forum: How Eurasian is Kristang?,2017:event-243273 2017-05-21T09:30:00SGT 2017-05-21T09:30:00SGT Not every Eurasian knows how to make sugee cake or wants to learn Papia Kristang. Why? Why do some Singapore Eurasians have Portuguese, Dutch, and/or British heritage? What are "new Eurasians"? Are Eurasians from Eurasia? What does it mean to be Eurasian in this part of the world? Explore the rich and diverse strands of the Eurasian community in a forum specifically dedicated to understanding the vibrant and varied histories of Singapore’s Eurasians. Registration required.EARLY BIRD SPECIALThe first 30 people to register will receive a deck of Kristang flash cards, Bista di Kristang ('A Glimpse of Kristang') developed by Kodrah Kristang! Note: One person will be entitled to only one deck for all events — if you are part of the early bird sign-ups for multiple Festa di Papia Kristang events, you will still only receive only one deck of flashcards.____________________PANELLISTS Sean O'Hara is a business owner of primarily Irish and Portuguese heritage. He has a Master’s Degree in International Relations and has a keen interest in understanding the role of cultures in global interactions. Among other things, he conducts programmes on cultural awareness and diversity as a part time university lecturer and corporate trainer. While working for a foreign government, he conducted briefings about Singapore to delegates of various nationalities from different continents and despite this, feels that Eurasians in Singapore are not well understood locally. He hopes that the Kodrah Kristang initiative will help raise the profile and understanding of the community locally and abroad. Lala Gwen Thomas has always had a strong interest in languages and has worked in translation, theatre, puppetry, music, and teaching. Growing up, she envied people who had their own Mother Tongue Languages. Despite being of Portuguese Eurasian descent, no one in her family spoke Kristang or knew that it even existed. Learning the Kristang language and culture now has been nothing short of rewarding for her. She is a drama trainer by day, and a dreamer by night. Benett Theseira has been President of the Eurasian Association since 2012 and served on the Management Committee in various capacities since 1995. The EA is a registered charity and self help group for the Eurasian community, originally established in 1919. He has also served as a member of the National Integration Council since 2011. In his professional capacity, Benett is the Managing Director of PGIM Real Estate. Updates,2017-05-09 08:19:34 2017-05-09 08:19:34 The event description was updated. Diff#245167