Words Go Round 2017 - 戏剧评论 / WRITING ABOUT THEATRE | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-11-02T03:53:58+08:00 Peatix Averyl Words Go Round 2017 - 戏剧评论 / WRITING ABOUT THEATRE tag:peatix.com,2017:event-238325 2017-03-11T15:00:00SGT 2017-03-11T15:00:00SGT 资深戏剧评论家、新进剧评写作人、剧场工作者济济一堂,分享新加坡剧场的剧评艺术心得。戏剧评论为什么重要?带批判性思考的观后感会如何推动剧坛发展?本地戏剧评论匮乏,会怎么影响新加坡华文剧场?剧场工作者如何回应负面批评?一场开放式讨论,通过论坛座上嘉宾与参与公众无拘束的相互交流,一起探讨戏剧评论对剧场发展所扮演的角色,了解艺术评论与写作的价值。 Hear from veteran and budding theatre critics and reviewers, as well as theatre practitioners on the intricate craft of writing about theatre in Singapore. Why do we need theatre criticism and how does critical writing contribute to the art form? What are some of the problems faced with the lack of theatre criticism in Singapore? How do practitioners respond to negative reviews? In this no-holds-barred conversation between the panellists and the audience, we look at the role of theatre criticism and discuss the importance of critiquing art.Supported by Grassroots Bookroom.