舞鈴劇場:海洋慶典 Diabolo Dance Theatre:Ocean Celebration 2017 | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2021-11-15T08:17:49+08:00 Peatix Mega Ultimate 舞鈴劇場:海洋慶典 Diabolo Dance Theatre:Ocean Celebration 2017 tag:peatix.com,2017:event-233043 2017-03-11T20:00:00MYT 2017-03-11T20:00:00MYT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd-iDOY9Ci8&feature=youtu.be由Mega Ultimate 与 台湾舞铃剧场跨国联手为你呈现,一场以“海洋世界”为主题的扯铃大型音乐剧将于3月11日晚上8时正在Mega Star Arena正式完美揭开序幕。一个结合音乐、舞蹈、与戏剧元素的艺术表演,带你走入神秘的海洋世界,感受不一样的扯铃新体验。 扯铃是华人传统文化之一,1995年被马来西亚扯铃之父---冯亚平老师特地在台湾引进扯铃运动,这种具有浓厚民族特色及健康的艺术运动很快的便获得全马各文化团体、学校及广大群众热烈的支持,至今已在马来西亚中小学中成为重要的课外活动之一。 舞铃剧场的崛起让扯铃运动赋予新的生命,于1986年,一群年轻表演艺术家,以扯铃为圆心,剧场创意为半径,开始探索一个全新的表演型式,并带领观众进入舞铃剧场超越想像的舞台世界。从台北国家戏剧院、纽约林肯中心、加拿大蜂鸟剧院、日本爱知博览会、上海世界博览会台湾馆开幕到台北国际花卉博览会舞蝶馆定目剧演出,超过三十个国家、一千场的演出,舞铃依然朝着最初的梦想前进,和世界各地不同语言文化的观众,一起分享相同的快乐与感动。 【海洋庆典】是舞铃剧场最受大众喜爱的剧目之一,他透过人、铃、线、音乐及图腾交织成一首协奏曲, 如海平面上的第一道曙光出现,海洋女神的歌声划破黎明,人鱼在金黄色的海面上跳跃飞舞,一胖一瘦的小丑鱼,自由穿梭于观众和舞台空间,带领观众找到心中那份真诚的快乐。风起云涌,掀起阵阵浪涛,潜入深蓝海底的水舞,热带鱼在其中穿梭追逐。和铃舞者交织出结合视觉与听觉的流动艺术图腾,带领观众发现充满想像的美丽新世界。 【海洋庆典】是由Mega Ultimate与舞铃剧场联合主办,Plan 7 Production为协办单位,Mega Star Arena为指定场地,票价定位RM 150(贵宾卷)\RM 60(普通卷),凡18岁或以下的年轻人、乐龄人士以及残疾人士均售价RM 48。有意购票者可浏览www.peatix.com。欲询问购票详情可浏览https://peatix.com/contact。 欲知更多活动详情:1. Mega Ultimate官方网站 www.megaultimate.com.my /Mega Ultimate面子书/012-974 10112. 舞铃剧场 马来西亚官方网站 http://www.diabolo.my/ 舞铃剧场 面子书/03-89581150条规 18岁或以下的学生,乐龄人士以及残疾人士可自动享有优惠价格。主办方将于入口处检验身份证/学生证,父母或监护人须以原价购票。若违反购票规则,主办方将保留一切追究权利。Presented by Mega Ultimate & Diabolo Dance Theatre, a grand Diabolo Dance Theatre Show will be held on 11th March 2017, 8pm at Mega Star Arena. This is a show which combines music, dance and drama elements. It will bring you a different Chinese Yoyo performance with Ocean Celebration as the theme. Diabolo is one of the Chinese traditional activity. Since 1995, 冯亚平老师 who is recognized as the Father of Malaysia Diabolo (马来西亚扯铃之父) has brought in Chinese Yoyo tradition from Taiwan into our shores. This traditional sports has received many positive remarks from various communities, schools and public. It has since became one of the co-curriculum for most primary and secondary school. On 1986, a group of youthful performers pioneered Diabolo Dance Theatre (舞铃剧场) and brought a lot of excitement to the audiences.  Performing over 30 countries with over 1000 shows in total, the team still maintained their original passion and still continue to spread the joy and sentiments all over different countries. 【Ocean Celebration海洋庆典】is one of the most loved Chinese Yoyo Musical Show. The story involves characters like the Ocean Goddess, Mermaids, Clown Fish and the Ocean World whereby the performers amaze the audiences with melodious voice, mesmerizing dance and most importantly visually breath-taking Chinese Yoyo performance. 【Ocean Celebration海洋庆典】is organized by Mega Ultimate& 舞铃剧场, co-organized by Plan 7 Production,Mega Star Arena as official venue. The tickets pricing as below: VIP – RM 150 Normal – RM 60/ RM48 (For 18 years and below, senior citizens & OKU)Those who are interested, you can purchase the ticket at www.peatix.com。 For more ticket info, please log on to https://peatix.com/contact For event info, please visit:1. Mega Ultimate Official Website www.megaultimate.com.my /    Mega Ultimate Facebook Page/012-974 10112. Diabolo Dance Theatre Official Website http://www.diabolo.my/    Diabolo Dance Theatre Facebook Page/03-89581150Term and Conditions:Student rate applicable to student age 18 years old and below, Senior Citizen and OKUNRIC/Student ID will be verified at entrance. Shall the patron is not eligible for student rate. Organizer reserves the rights to charge at full rate. FAQ: For Debit Card Users:http://help.peatix.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2388149--for-users-in-malaysia-paypal-faqs