Ooo::Meetup - Insight Africa | Peatix,2011:1 2019-11-02T04:50:29+08:00 Peatix Ethel Ong Ooo::Meetup - Insight Africa,2017:event-228975 2017-01-10T19:15:00HKT 2017-01-10T19:15:00HKT The rapid development of technology and entrepreneurship in Africa is transforming the stereotype of the continent. The extensive coverage of mobile payment in East Africa, the multiple effects of micro-financing and the huge market for mobile gaming, are important phenomena that provoke our thoughts. Are there any opportunities for Chinese and African enterprises to work together in the technology industry? Is there any market potential for Chinese enterprises? How to tap into the African market? The team from Sino-Africa Centre of Excellence (SACE) wants to share with you a wealth of first-hand observation and case studies in Africa, and engage everyone with an exciting discussion. 非洲科技行業的飛速發展正在徹底顛覆外界對非洲貧窮落後的刻板印象。東非國家驚人的移動支付普及率、微型金融與手機APP的完美結合、手機遊戲的方興未艾等等現象,都值得中國科技與互聯網行業人士思考。中非的科技與互聯網企業是否有合作機會?非洲的市場發展是否有前景?如何才能進入非洲這片處女地?我們希望可以通過分享實地考察經驗、案例分析,並邀請相關企業家一同分享,向國內的科技與互聯網行業帶來非洲的第一手信息。 Who Should AttendEmerging Market Enthusiasts, Border Eliminators, Startup Founders (current & aspiring), Rebellious Entrepreneurs, Investors Agenda7:15pm Sign-in7:30pm Content Overview of the information technology industry in Africa 非洲科技與互聯網行業發展 Successful Case Studies: Mobile Payment, Education, Agriculture, international trade and logistics 成功應用案例分析:移動支付、教育改革、農業發展、貿易物流 Market Opportunities 非洲科技、互聯網市場機會及投資機會 Panel Discussion (TBD) 嘉賓討論及分享(待定) 8:30pm Q&AThis event is organized by Ooosh For Startups