広島の父と娘が読む『父と暮せば』Father-Daughter Reading "Chichi to Kuraseba (THE FACE OF JIZO)" | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2021-11-15T14:26:46+09:00 Peatix YURIKO PROJECT 広島の父と娘が読む『父と暮せば』Father-Daughter Reading "Chichi to Kuraseba (THE FACE OF JIZO)" tag:peatix.com,2021:event-1993079 2021-08-06T18:30:00JST 2021-08-06T18:30:00JST 【Announcement/告知】(English Below)広島の父と娘が読む『父と暮せば』(井上ひさし著)(日本語上演・英語字幕)私、三宅由利子が、いつかやりたいやりたいと密かに懇願してきた作品。遂に第一歩を踏み出します。ニューヨークと広島を繋いで、8月6日の原爆記念日に全世界無料ライブ配信します!去年パンデミックが始まり、部屋掃除中に『父と暮せば』の台本がドサッと落ちてきた瞬間から、運命的なタイミングに奇跡的なご縁が重なり、本日に至っております。本作品は、全編素晴らしい広島弁で書かれており、広島の原爆で娘を思いつつこの世を去ってしまった父親(幽霊)と、父を思い生き続ける娘の物語です。戦争の悲惨さ、無残さを、物語に巧みに織り交ぜつつ、ヒロシマを経た親子の人生の物語を、時には笑い、時には涙し、一言一句丁寧に紡いでいきます。登場人物は娘:美津江、父親:竹造の2人。娘:美津江役を私、三宅由利子が読み、父親:竹造役は、なんと私の実の父親、三宅信之が読みます。彼は演劇人ではなく、俳優としては全くの素人ですが、彼の広島弁の見事たるや。ト書きを、広島県出身ニューヨーク在住の俳優、森永明日夏さんに読んでいただきます。※これは、お芝居パフォーマンスではありません。広島の親子が、シンプルに、目の前の活字を言葉にしていくリーディングとなっております。これを機に、ヒロシマの親子の物語に触れてみませんか。画面の向こう側でお目にかかれるのを心待ちにしております。Father-Daughter Reading of“Chichi to Kuraseba (The Face of Jizo)” written by Hisashi Inoue(In Japanese with English subtitles)This is the play I’ve always wanted to do. Now, here is the first step! This reading is a worldwide live-streaming production, connecting New York and Hiroshima on August 6th , the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.Since the moment the script of this play literally fell into my hands while I was cleaning my room during the pandemic last year, I’ve come so far thanks to fortuitous encounters and miraculous timings.This play, beautifully and cleverly written in a Hiroshima dialect, is about a father who died in the atomic bombing, but shows up as a spirit/ghost, and a daughter who survived the bombing. It tells not only the cruelty and misery of wars, but also the love and connection this family has, or any family must have had, with tears and laughter.There are two characters in the play: Mitsue, the daughter, and Takezo, the father.Mitsue will be read by myself, Yuriko Miyake. And Takezo will be read by my very own father, Nobuyuki Miyake.The stage direction will be read by Asuka Morinaga.※This reading is not a performance. We’ll be simply reading words on the script.I hope that this opportunity will lead us to a peaceful future.I’ll see you the other side of the screen soon!【Live-Streaming当日ライブ配信】DATE: 2021.08.06STARTING TIME: 日本時間18:30配信開始、5:30AM(EST Time)RUNNING TIME: 2時間(途中10分インターミッションあり)                     2 hours with a 10-minute intermissionCAST: Yuriko Miyake 三宅由利子           Nobuyuki Miyake 三宅信之           Asuka Morinaga 森永明日夏ENGLISH SUBTITLES: Roger Pulvers【A Month Streaming一ヵ月間アーカイブ配信】An archive link will be available after August 7th.アーカイブ配信リンクは、8月7日以降に告知されます。 Updates tag:peatix.com,2021-08-06 15:16:52 2021-08-06 15:16:52 The event description was updated. Diff#1094650 Updates tag:peatix.com,2021-07-18 10:03:38 2021-07-18 10:03:38 The event description was updated. Diff#1076257 Updates tag:peatix.com,2021-07-12 09:56:59 2021-07-12 09:56:59 The event description was updated. Diff#1069877 Updates tag:peatix.com,2021-07-11 01:03:16 2021-07-11 01:03:16 The event description was updated. Diff#1068482 Updates tag:peatix.com,2021-07-11 01:02:00 2021-07-11 01:02:00 The event description was updated. Diff#1068477 Updates tag:peatix.com,2021-07-11 00:59:31 2021-07-11 00:59:31 The event description was updated. Diff#1068467