灵戏 - THE SPIRITS PLAY | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-11-02T08:25:26+08:00 Peatix NAFA Productions 灵戏 - THE SPIRITS PLAY tag:peatix.com,2016:event-196386 2016-09-18T15:00:00SGT 2016-09-18T15:00:00SGT THE SPIRIT PLAY By Kuo Pao Kun Directed by Yang Wen Zhong Presented by BA(Hons) in Theatre Arts A General, a Mother, a Soldier, a Girl and a Poet, five souls drifting in a dilapidated old cemetery under the mottled moonlight, they mumble. Which war did they perish in, and where the afterlife leads them. Day after day, year after year, their souls wonder in this chaotic wasteland. The spirit play revolve around the context and theme of war and country and its impact on individual lives. 灵戏 原创剧本: 郭宝崑 导演: 杨文仲 演出:戏剧艺术(荣誉)学士学位 将军、妈妈、士兵、姑娘、诗人,五个魂灵,一片破败的旧墓园。斑驳的月光下,他们的喃喃自语…… 不知他们死于哪一场战争?也不知他们魂归何处? 日复一日,年复一年,他们的魂魄漂泊在这混沌的荒原。 灵戏,这是一场深沉的自语,关于国家,关于个体生命与战争、国家的终极追索。 没有答案,我们知道,这是一个永恒的追索。 或许,诗人为我们描绘出一抹亮色: 天上,一片蔚蓝 四周,没有一点声音 一只白鸟,从我头上飞过 把全世界,画得一片安宁