Screening of 迷航 LOST COURSE | Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2021 | Peatix,2011:1 2021-05-07T08:39:29+08:00 Peatix Singapore Film Society Screening of 迷航 LOST COURSE | Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2021,2021:event-1890404 2021-05-02T13:00:00SGT 2021-05-02T13:00:00SGT BUNDLE OPTIONSThree bundle options are available! 3 Titles @ $36.00 6 Titles @ $66.00 9 Titles @ $90.00香港 Hong Kong / 2020 / 180 Min / M18 - 内容只宜十八岁及以上 Mature Content / 华语、福建话 Mandarin, Hokkien / 中英文字幕 English & Chinese subtitles导演 Director:李哲昕 Jill LI是敲响中国民主的第一声响钟,还是预言革命死亡纪事?2011年全球目光汇聚中国乌坎村。面对贪污官员非法买卖土地,乌坎村村民群起抗议,人民作头家,就此引发一场中国基层民主实验。《迷航》分为上下两部,上半部“抗争”回首事件根由,记录村民试图通过抗争和公平选举重夺对土地的权利;民主还剩最后一哩路,选举过后民意危机及政治黑幕却接踵而来。下半部“之后”聚焦抗争后困境,由事及人,导演长时间追踪运动中核心人物,有老谋深算的运动领袖林伯、启蒙村民抗争意识的热血青年阿宏、以及回乡投入抗争的少年阿兴。六年过去,有人生有人死、有人走有人留、有人陷入贪污迷局、有人远避美国寻求庇护、有人再次号召集结……。所以民主到底是什么?它终究不是终点,只能是方向,但《迷航》却可成警戒线,道阻且长,溯洄从之。Lost Course chronicles a grassroots democratic movement in the southern Chinese village of Wukan. The villagers protest against corrupt local officials before ousting them and organising their own elections. However, after taking control of their destiny, the villagers find themselves beset by the same corruption, and cynicism endemic. Following three main characters, Director Jill Li reveals the complexities of the villagers’ struggles, triumphs, and setbacks.Singapore Chinese Film Festival is co-founded and organised by the Singapore Film Society and Singapore University of Social Sciences, and is held annually since 2013. The main objective of the festival is to promote the appreciation of quality Chinese Cinema here in Singapore. Through panel discussions and dialogue, the festival aims to foster deeper interaction between Singapore filmmaking talents and filmmakers from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia.It is currently the second largest film festival held in Singapore in terms of number of films screened and audience attendance, with yearly growth in attendance since its inauguration in 2013.More infomation at our SCFF website.