Screening of 得奖短片集 AWARD WINNING SHORTS | Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2021 | Peatix,2011:1 2021-05-07T08:39:29+08:00 Peatix Singapore Film Society Screening of 得奖短片集 AWARD WINNING SHORTS | Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2021,2021:event-1889657 2021-05-01T13:00:00SGT 2021-05-01T13:00:00SGT BUNDLE OPTIONSThree bundle options are available! 3 Titles @ $36.00 6 Titles @ $66.00 9 Titles @ $90.00 汇集了台湾,香港和新加坡四个电影节的获奖作品,这部短片集让您一次过看六部来自中,港,台,缅,新的短片。“得奖短片集”不仅让您看到导演们的成就,更看到他们所观注的世界。This short flm collection consists of award- winning shorts from four flm festivals In Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. You will not only view the achievements of the directors of these six films from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Myanmar, and Singapore,but also get a glimpse of their worldview.得奖短片集Award Winning Shorts雁南飞 HEADING SOUTH中国, 美国 China, USA / 2020 / PG / 13 Min / 华语、蒙古语 Mandarin, Mongolian / 中英文字幕 English & Chinese subtitles导演 Director: 元圆 YUAN Yuan主演 Cast: 查苏娜 Chasuna, 陈法拉 Fala CHEN蒙族女孩查苏娜从草原来城里,去探望离婚后住在城里的爸爸。然而,在爸爸的生日聚会时,查苏娜发现爸爸已和另一个女人结婚了。徘徊在两个家庭之间的查苏娜,试图寻找属于自己的一隅。Eight-year-old Chasuna travels from her home on the grassland to visit her father who lives in the big city. However, at her father’s birthday party, she finds out he is married to a Chinese woman. Chasuna has to learn to accept this woman as part of the family.幽魂之境 IN THIS LAND WE'RE BRIEFLY GHOSTS台湾, 缅甸, 美国 Taiwan, Myanmar, USA / 2019 / PG13 - Some Mature Content 内容只宜十三岁及以上 / 16 Min / 缅甸语 Burmese / 中英文字幕 English & Chinese subtitles导演 Director: 罗晨文 Chen-Wen LO乱世逃生,童兵苏苏和哥哥逃亡失败,被捉回军队中。囚笼里偷生,苏苏面临人生最困难的选择,是杀死重病的哥哥以获得食物,还是跟他一起饿死狱中?根据缅甸童兵史实改编,残酷中带温情仿若《萤火虫之墓》,直视命运镜头如枪口。砰!In 2013 Myanmar, 12-year-old child soldier, Su Su Myat, and her brother are imprisoned. Punished with no food or water, Su Su Myat is forced to choose between killing her seriously ill brother for her own survival or dying with him.这里不是那里 HERE IS NOT THERE新加坡 Singapore / 2019 / PG13 - 些许粗俗语言 Some Coarse Language / 20 Min / 华语 Mandarin / 英文字幕 English subtitles导演 Director: 杨国瑞 Nelson YEO主演 Cast: 陈思蕴 Bobbi Chen, 洪裕阳 Hong Yu Yang冲是一名在货仓工作的马来⻄亚籍男生。他爱上了中国籍同事,迅。他们的恋情像两只在大海舞蹈的水母;每天努力谋生,为生命拼博与奋斗。当迅发现自己怀孕时,她担心会被遣送回国,从此与冲的命运就会改变。Xun, a migrant worker, finds out that she’s pregnant with the child of her co-worker, Chong and their fates are altered forever.夜更 NIGHT IS YOUNG香港 Hong Kong / 2020 / M18 - 裸露画面及内容只宜十八岁及以上 Nudity and Some Mature Content / 25 Min / 广东话 Cantonese / 中英文字幕 English & Chinese subtitles导演 Director: 郭臻 Zune KWOK主演 Cast: 蔡志強 CHOI Chi-keung, Peter, 兜 Dau, 阿凯 Saphire, 李晃莹 Lulu LEE, Yoyo, 宋霆轩 Ryan SUNG, Trish本片是关于一名计程车司机于2019年香港“反送中运动”中所经历的一夜。Hong Kong has evolved since 2019. Political violence, protests, and police brutality fill the city. This film is about the experience of a night-shift taxi driver amid the social unrest.夜车 NIGHT BUS台湾 Taiwan / 2020 / NC16 - 些许暴力画面 Some Violence / 20 Min / 华语、福建话 Mandarin, Hokkien / 中英文字幕 English & Chinese subtitles导演 Director: 谢文明 Joe HSIEH主演 Cast: 陈淑芳 Shu-Fang CHEN, 蔡明修 Ming-Hsiu TSAI 郭尚兴 Shang-Sing GUO深夜一辆开在滨海公路上的末班车,车上贵妇乘客的珍珠项链被偷,接着牵扯出群众正义下的荒谬私刑与背后隐藏的秘密,最后只剩下漆黑的海岸边火烧车的熊熊火光。On a late-night commuter bus, a necklace is stolen. This is followed by a tragic and fatal road accident, and a series of intriguing turn of events which reveal love, hatred, and vengeance. The film climaxes as the bus goes ablaze, burning and glittering against the dark coastal sky.大冒险铁路 GRAND ADVENTURE RAILROAD台湾 Taiwan / 2020 / PG / 15 Min / Invented language导演 Director: 黃小珊 Hsiao-Shan HUANG大冒险铁路公司不只有高级美味的随车餐点、刺激的游乐设施,铁道之旅最大的卖点是观光一座废墟村落,尤其当衣衫褴褛的村民穿梭其中,总是能吸引车上的观光客挤到车窗前猛按相机快门,收获到此一游的证明。在行经漆黑的隧道途中列车紧急煞停,正当列车长极力安抚乘客,浑然不知有一位不速之客正悄悄的溜上车……The Grand Adventure Railroad Company offers the wealthy sightseeing tour services to slum communities. As the passengers are enjoying their meals, taking selfies, and playing amusement games, the train suddenly halts in a pitchblack tunnel. The conductor tries to pacify the passengers, not knowing an uninvited creature has quietly sneaked on board...Singapore Chinese Film Festival is co-founded and organised by the Singapore Film Society and Singapore University of Social Sciences, and is held annually since 2013. The main objective of the festival is to promote the appreciation of quality Chinese Cinema here in Singapore. Through panel discussions and dialogue, the festival aims to foster deeper interaction between Singapore filmmaking talents and filmmakers from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia.It is currently the second largest film festival held in Singapore in terms of number of films screened and audience attendance, with yearly growth in attendance since its inauguration in 2013.More infomation at our SCFF website. Updates,2021-04-27 03:13:57 2021-04-27 03:13:57 The event description was updated. Diff#991027