1-Day Workshop - Service Language and Winning Over the Displeased Customer (Thursday session) | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-11-02T09:29:37+08:00 Peatix LES 1-Day Workshop - Service Language and Winning Over the Displeased Customer (Thursday session) tag:peatix.com,2016:event-186841 2016-07-28T09:00:00SGT 2016-07-28T09:00:00SGT "Although your customers won't love you when you give bad service, your competitors will" ~ Kate Zabriskie.It has been said that it is far easier to retain a customer than to find a new one. So what do we do to retain them? We get the latest high-end industry equipment, we dress smart, we even add perks and freebies the customer can't refuse! But how many times have we told a customer "See you again!" But we never do.So what do customers want? What is the missing link in making the customer feel like a they have received good service and want to come back as soon as possible?It's the language we use. It's the language we use with our lips, our eyes and our heart.Communication is a 2 way process and even if we have the best scriptwriter, if we don't alter our script to the actual scenario, or if we don't understand what the customer is REALLY saying, we are not using our abilities to make them the loyal customers we want them to be.So what do we need as service providers to be able to meet this need? Skills! The good thing is, all skills are acquired through training and that's what this course is going to do for you. The skills you will gain in this 1-day intensive course are:-Understanding the grammar behind and using common Polite Phrases, and learning new ones you can adapt to in different situations.Asking the Right Questions and using Active Listening Skills to understand beyond the response givenDealing with Difficult Customers and Winning them over so that they become your BEST Customers Join us for this 1 day intensive workshop and you will see customer service in a brand new light and maybe...maybe you'll even love your job more!***Use discount '2 or more' if you are attending with someone else from the same company / same industry.