English for Workers: Business Writing | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-11-02T10:35:48+09:00 Peatix David English for Workers: Business Writing tag:peatix.com,2016:event-185936 2016-07-30T14:00:00JST 2016-07-30T14:00:00JST Dear Sir or Madam, I wish to inform you of this excellent opportunity to learn advanced business writing skills from an expert instructor.Hi there, I just wanted keep you in the loop about my business writing seminar. It’s going to be a real game-changer for the team members in attendance.Hi, just thought you’d be interested in this business writing seminar.これらの文章にはどのような違いがあるのでしょうか?ビジネス文書として向いているのはどれでしょうか?皆さんこんにちは!突然ですが、皆さんはどんな時に英語で文章を書きますか?仕事でのメールのやり取りや、職を探す際の履歴書など、きっと様々なのではないでしょうか。そして、ある時は顧客を説得するためだったり、自分を最大限アピールするためだったりと、その場その場で違った目的があると思います。そんな大切な場面で作成するビジネス文書ですが、どんな時も目的が明確であり、簡潔で、誤りのないことが求められますよね!今回のセミナーではビジネス文書を作成する際のルールやコツを知り、目的を果ために有効なビジネス文書の書き方を学ぶことができます!≪セミナーではどんなことを学べるの?≫• 簡潔に言いたいことを伝える方法• 良い印象を与える文書の書き方• 型にはまり過ぎない文書の書き方≪こんな方におすすめです!≫• 仕事で英語でのメールのやり取りが多い• 今よりももっと説得力のある文書を書けるようになりたい• 難しい専門用語を使わずに文書を簡単化したいぜひ一緒にビジネス文書について学び、英語での文章作成に自信をつけていきましょう!皆さんのご参加、お待ちしております!形式:対話型セミナー(90分)言語:英語レベル:中級〜上級###########################Dear Sir or Madam, I wish to inform you of this excellent opportunity to learn advanced business writing skills from an expert instructor.Hi there, I just wanted keep you in the loop about my business writing seminar. It’s going to be a real game-changer for the team members in attendance.Hi, just thought you’d be interested in this business writing seminar.How do we define business writing? Is it closer to the first, second, or third sentences above?Business writing usually has a clear aim: to achieve results. That could mean gaining a new client or even a new job for yourself. The best business writing is therefore clear, concise, well-argued, and error-free. Only then can it hope to persuade!So why is so much business writing infused with nonsensical jargon or elementary mistakes? Is it time pressure or professional anxiety that causes the worst excesses?The rules of formality present another headache as expectations can differ by generation, culture, and profession.Yet there’s one rule that hardly ever fails: as early as possible in a business relationship, try to steer your writing away from its formal tendencies and start engaging in plain but respectful communication.In this seminar, you’ll learn:- Why it’s best to write with only one purpose- Why simple sentences are better than complex sentences- Which word will always get the attention of your reader- How to avoid a cliched writing style- Why good writers remove words, sentences, and even whole paragraphs after writingTo benefit from this seminar, you’ll need to have at least an intermediate level of English, preferably with actual business experience. Native English speakers are also welcome to join.This seminar is for you if:- You write a lot of emails in English at work- You want to develop a more persuasive writing style- You want to eliminate business jargon from your writing and become a clear communicator insteadFormat: Interactive Seminar (90 mins)Language: EnglishLevel: Intermediate to AdvancedSpeaker: David Willoughby has taught English for over ten years in Japan and has been an English communication instructor at Azabu, Otsuma, and Nihon Universities. He is an expert in preparing students for the Speaking and Writing sections of IELTS and TOEFL.Organiser: Workers University is Tokyo’s pop-up university. During Summer 2016, we’re open on Saturday afternoons at our secret classroom in Dogenzaka, Shibuya. If you see an event you like, please join us. There’s no registration process – just pay a small charge for each seminar.