Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital Heritage Gallery Tour | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T12:50:23+08:00 Peatix NHB - Museum Roundtable Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital Heritage Gallery Tour,2021:event-1814509 2021-02-27T10:00:00SGT 2021-02-27T10:00:00SGT Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital Heritage Gallery TourDate: 27 February, 7 March 2021Time: 10am - 11am Learn about the Second World War through the lens of Kwong Wai Shiu Free Hospital, a charitable healthcare facility founded by a group of Cantonese businessmen in 1910. During the occupation, part of the hospital compound was destroyed by bombs. Despite the destruction, the hospital continued with its mission of serving the needy, expanded its services to admit children and infants, and even buried war victims.Traditionally supported by the Chinese community, the war also led to the reversal of fortunes for some of the hospital’s key patrons such as Ching Kee Sun and Boey Khye Hong. Before the Occupation, they had fervently supported China in its war efforts against the Japanese through participation in Cantonese associations and fund-raising efforts. What happened to these individuals when Singapore became Syonan-To? Uncover more stories through a tour of the gallery which includes a classroom session where newspaper articles of the period will be shared. Conducted in Mandarin, this tour is led by Mr Lee Kok Leong, curator of the Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital Heritage Gallery. Limited slots are available, on a first-come-first-served basis, so sign up now!More details on the gathering point will be sent to participants upon registration.Note: • This tour is conducted in Mandarin. • Any child participant of/under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.• In view of the COVID-19 situation, participants must abide by all Safe Management Measures as advised by the organisers. If you are feeling unwell, please do not participate in the tour.FAQs:Is my registration/ticket transferrable? Tickets are non-transferable unless the organisers have been informed at least 2 days prior to the start of the tour.Where can I contact the organiser with any questions? For any other queries, please contact us at【中文团】广惠肇留医院是一家由一群广东籍商人在1910年创办的慈善医院。医院在二战时期曾有部分病房被炸毁。尽管如此,医院还是照常运作,并继续秉持其宗旨,为有需要照顾的社群提供优质,全面及方便的医护服务。医院也扩大服务范围,收留小孩与婴儿,甚至还帮助战争中不幸罹难的死难者收尸殓葬。日军占领新加坡前,不少华社领袖积极参与筹赈会活动,支援中国抗日战争。许多华社领袖也是广惠肇留医院的董事。新加坡沦陷后,这些抗日份子的命运有了翻天覆地的变化。留医院义务司理梅启康和总理兼正主席曾紀宸等人能熬过昭南岛那三年八个月的黑暗日子吗?在这次的徒步行中,您将参观广惠肇留医院四座受保留建筑、任重道远历史展馆及参与课堂分享。广惠肇留医院展馆策展人李国梁先生将带您走入时光隧道,通过广惠肇留医院的角度探索二战历史。名额有限,报名从速。注意: 12岁以下的参与者需有家长全程陪同。